Sunday, March 22, 2020

Dealing with Coronavirus Mail

You owe me 32 cents as Coronavirus makes the mail heavier.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is another lifesaving lesson for you suicidal Coronavirus turds out there not showing your appreciation in donations as I save your butts.

This deals with your mail.

For my mail, I do not touch it unless I have my rubber gloves on. It is opened outside, and if you are rich, it would be sorted in the garage, in the outside envelops go into the trash, while the inner bills I deal with, as TL writes out the checks.
For those who do not have the TL option, you take your gloves off, put on disposable latex gloves, sign your checks, stamp them and mail them, and then throw the gloves in the trash too.

If there is something I want, that goes into a sealed trash bag which is hosed down with Lysol spray, and allowed to stew on that, as I am not interested in anything that will get me sick.

Afterwards, I air things out, as I have a shed, and in a week I will come back to it. I just do not get magazines any more, and if something interests me, I will look at them online,

I will NOT purchase anything from China or other infected areas. If an item is in New York or Washington state.........I find a new place if I have to have it.

In every tip this blog is giving you, it is the tip to keep degrees of separation at all times. You do not want things that were in the pandemic world, inside your home. Your front door is the place that nothing enters but you, and you make sure you are CLEAN EVERY TIME.

If your mail carrier gets sick with Corona, you call your company that you owe money too and you tell them to send another bill or make other arrangements, as I will not take a chance on this virus, and those companies will not either.

So that is your lifesaving tip today.

Nuff Said
