Saturday, March 7, 2020

Donald Trump has lost control of the Coronavirus Narrative

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

One of the many issues in Coronavirus which this blog has endangered itself over, to save all of your unappreciative non donating asses is what China and Iran are going to do when they continue thee American Centric view of focusing on the United States, and therefore blame the United States for unleashing Coronavirus.

Corona was created by China to first strike other peoples, namely the United States. That check for a time will provide a hedge for the United States, even if China thinks America struck first, which America did not.

The problem is Iran. Iran has nuclear bombs, no matter what you have been told. They purchased a dozen from the Soviets, they worked with North Korea which has the atomic bomb, they now have the material for more bombs, and they will use atomic terrorism to avenge Iran.

The fact is that the Iranian Republican Guard has gone on record now blaming the United States for the Coronavirus as a first strike weapon against China and Iran. Under global legalities, these nations now have legal cover to attack America with WMD's.

Сoronavirus may be a product of US ‘biological attack’ aimed at Iran & China, IRGC chief claims — RT World News   rt

There are only three peoples who have been silent, acting guilty or taking precautions as if they knew what this virus was. Europe has been silent, the Jews act guilty and Russia has taken the steps early to keep from having a pandemic erupt there.

President Donald Trump has a problem in knowing Corona was a Chinese first strike weapon. He can not admit it, as he would then be obliged to nuke China, and nuke Iran as Iran began all of this with purchasing Arabian SARS.
Iran though has the intelligence to shift the blame to America, to hide their part in this pandemic.

Without a narrative as this blog has produced, a false narrative has appeared, and will continue to cement, and when Iran does attack the United States, probably with a Russian uranium source core to hide their part, the world will say that the United States deserved it, just like the Bavarian Seers reported in their visions, in the disappearance of Jew York City.

I realize that in by God's Grace placing Donald Trump as President to lessen the blow, and how the events neutralized MAGA, that even the Truth of the narrative is not going to lessen the blows coming.

There are too many people who know the facts and in their silence are going to bring a truth which no one will be able to stop as this spins out of control.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
