Saturday, March 14, 2020

Obama Terrorists Issue Corona Travel Warning

Don't worry John, after you commit suicide, I will protect our terrorists,
when the biological weapons get released...


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Obama's ISIS is like George Bush in being Kinder and Gentler, in it has just released the Terror Network Travelers Warning to it's Muslim members.

ISIS issues travel warning to coronavirus-hit countries

Yes ISIS is telling suicide bombers not to travel to certain nations as they might die.

Dichotomy, irony and the reality that in all this Coronavirus stuff, with Obama having set up the Wuhan Biological Weapon Lab, you have noticed that Barack Hussein Obama's image has gone into hiding.

Then again, there is always a silver lining in every dark cloud, and as Jimmy Carter would do nothing to rescue US hostages in 1979, and for 40 years the terrorist who had tortured Americans has not been brought to justice, but a little germ out of China, finally did this Islamic criminal to justice in giving him a horrid end of fever and drowning in his own lungs as he suffocated to death.

Iran: Coronavirus Kills Former Interrogator of U.S. Embassy Hostages

Yes the US Berkley educated communist Muslim, went beet red, shitting himself with diarrhea and one can see why Obama's ISIS wants to protect it's suicide bombers, as what terrorist would want to die a death like that for 70 virgins.

Nuff Said
