Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Only Real Men Get Coronavirus

Coronavirus Mass Hysteria - American Greatness   amgreatness

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

My head hurts like a bitch again today, so I am not going to write pages in this running tally, but instead point out the facts.

Someone is spreading Coronavirus into the United States, because foreign flights are still poring in, as the President closed domestic flights. That means Italians and Koreans, with the virus are poring into America yet unchecked.

So is that mass hysteria in people wanting to not die or self preservation?

Is it mass hysteria that the President is reacting with programs, after Mike Pence botched this in not shutting things down, and it is Obama hold overs who brought this virus into Republican areas of the United States and spread this by Chinese kids coming to American schools on the coasts?

President Trump unveils economic plan for coronavirus, includes payroll tax cut & relief for hourly wages   oann 

That is wrong with the Trump lappers narratives. They smear and belittle people for being concerned over what is a real concern. I will have more on this in detail about what virus is inside the United States, as it is a new virus.

You can thank this blog for saving communist children, as the elite are moving to protect their children in "hysteria" I suppose by shutting down Harvard........the place where that Obama Jew sent the lab to Wuhan to build this first strike biological weapon.

Harvard Tells Students To Move Out By Sunday Due To Coronavirus, Classes Moving Online – CBS Boston   cbslocal

This is a political warning to Americans. The American left had better stop blaming Donald Trump for Corona. Thee American Right had better stop attacking Americans concerned over Coronavirus, because there are a 2 and a half billion Shia Muslims and Chinese who are hearing a narrative THAT THE UNITED STATES UNLEASHED THIS VIRUS.
This blog has been pointing out the reality of the real story, but for these political idiots, if the United States gets crippled over Corona, which it will, and when the United States is weak, which it will be, the world is going to come after the United States with kill shots, like hauling our politicians and military before world tribunals and hanging the American left and right.
The Iranians and Chinese get enough traction they will start detonating nuclear terror weapons in Jew York City to cover up their crimes, and the world will cheer because America got what she deserved over Corona.

Narratives matter, and Donald Trump has not been served by Obama advisors, is not being served by his nut case lappers led by Limbaugh and his "this is a cold", and the left is not serving their interests in attacking Trump and weaponizing Corona, because the people who made this virus to use as a first strike are going to cover their tracks and that means blaming the United States.......which this blog stated would happen weeks ago.

So you people who can donate, donate as you owe me as this blog by God's Grace has been right. You got a reprieve on the stock market, so cash in half, and save the rest, except for 10 percent to me as I am all you got, and even with a headache I have been steering this President out of his self destruction, but this is going down fast and there is not enough time to catch up.

Where Mr. President is the FBI in not tracking down spreaders as this makes America look guilty? Where is the CIA not spreading Mockingbird stories to offset the Iranian and Chinese narratives, which makes America look guilty?

Iran: The Mullahs' Coronavirus Lies are very similar to the lies out of China   gatestone

America is in the process of losing Coronavirus, the propaganda and the ability to restore the order.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter and you have learned more in these paragraphs than all week from all media.

Watch the Infected 4 out of Jew Pac, that will tell you a great deal.

COVID-19 cases in the Philadelphia region

The City of Philadelphia announced its first confirmed case of coronavirus on Tuesday, while the state of New Jersey announced its first death related ...

Nuff Said
