Monday, March 30, 2020

Rhode Island's Corona Ring of Fire

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry commends the State of Rhode Island for protecting itself from the Corona Vermin of New York City as all people have the right to. What Rhode Island has enacted is what all States should enact, to not just quarantine people from other states, who are nothing but plague squatters of the lowest form, because they fled the pandemic, were exposed to the virus, and are now placing innocent people in jeopardy. THAT IS MANSLAUGHTER in the least as a criminal charge.

These rich people, chose to live in luxury in liberal enclave, sucking American dry of corporate and main street welfare, and in Hillary Clinton mocking the deplorables, when their utopia goes toxic from their open border policies, they have no regard for the safety of other States, and think those States are for their purpose to shit on.

All States must ban these criminals from entering their states, and when caught, deport them, and be informed, if they try and enter the State again, they will be shot on sight by the State Police.
States should put a 10,000 dollar reward on every squatter who appears. It would be great for the economy.

Coronavirus: Rhode Island forces all travelers from other states into self-quarantine

ALBANY – Rhode Island has repealed its quarantine order that applied only to those who traveled from the state of New York, broadening it to apply to

This is a photo of the beauty of Rhode Island. Lovely White American girls, with one ethnic to show they are a welcoming people, as long as the tan skins know their place.

What Rhode Island is engaged in, is what President Trump attempted to shut down by calling up the National Reserve with a deployment to New York, Connecticut and New Jersey, before Governor Cuomo liberally challenged the policy.


This Lame Cherry can tell you to read between the lines about the TWO YEAR CALL UP OF THE NATIONAL RESERVE.
You do not call up the reserve for Coronavirus. General Schwazkopf had HW Bush call up the reserve for the Gulf War I. I know dolts like you are going to think this is about war, but this is not about war.

I will not touch this subject as the NYFBI in the SDNY sent out Homeland to intimidate me in supporting Donald Trump in September 2016 as this blog in basing on Dick Allgire's remote viewing of that period was in the process of changing the time line so two events did not take place. I have done my duty to keep the peace and it is those responsibility now who tried to silence this blog.
I will make the point in there are two and four legged rats. I will make the point that in the Black Death of Europe, the people burned cities and the rats fled to other cities and states.
Look where the President was trying to deploy armed Soldiers, and then remove Coronavirus from the equation. Ask yourself what is in the center of New York, Connecticut and New Jersey and what would a President on a national scale, which would not be over for two years, be needing federal troops to deal with. What could be so hot, that the rats would flee, and Rhode Island would look genius in dealing with New York already.

All I will say on this as the event is tracking, jumping and actions indicate there is intelligence indicating the need for preparation on a national scale.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
