As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In having to be the groundbreaking source on Coronavirus for the past month, I have been paying attention to my trolls in the brier patch, and was interested in the topic never came up. On Saturday on our day away from here to live before God, I noticed that there seemed to be one hell of allot of people in the grocery, and I wondered if it was due to the virus panic setting in, as TL said people were staying away from the Mexicans in the thrift store.
Today, I had to pick up some rubber gloves, as I use them to wash dishes, as my hands crack like egg shells in the dry cold and it is painful. I was stunned in all of the plastic gloves were gone. I noticed in the normally busy store, there were very few people in it. The panic has hit here.
I feel moderately safe, unless an outlier appears here from some dumb bitch not staying home or bringing some foreign shit home with them from college, but I told TL I was thankful to God we were no longer in the metro, as our entire state does not have as many people as in one large American city. That random chance increases our odds of survival.
Having little, we have been on a budget which we are blowing
as we are stocking up. We have our food in the basics of flour and flavoring and meat. The reality is the way we have been eating like mice, if the power stays on, we have a several year supply of food and disinfectants. For that in beef on the hoof, we have a 20 year supply. I just have to gauge our town visits, keeping gas tanks full, and it reminds me I have to fill our 5 gallon jugs here next time as people have no idea what the world is like when tankers stop bringing fuel.
As we are forced to supplement heat, I have several of those 20 gallon propane tanks, which is a good idea to have for cooking in case the lights go out. I am serious in this, as no one is figuring what will happen on infection rates, when a hospital goes down, fire department goes down, police goes down, your trucking goes down and supplies are not delivered. Just remember all these vehicles have to be disinfected in order to be used again.
I am going to give you some statistics for Rush Limbaugh's "It's just like the common cold".
Current infected 89,254
Total dead 3,048
Total recovered 45,393
Total showing symptoms and getting treated 48,441
Some calcs.
3048 divided by 48,441 times 100 is 6.292 percent current kill rate.
This kill rate is more than 12 times “standard” flu.
Some standard flu types are :
H1N1 – Asian Influenza A Virus, Swine flu
H3N2 – Avian Influenza A Virus
H5N1 – Avian Influenza A Virus
H7N9 – Anhui Influenza Wildtype A Virus
RSV – Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Coxsacie Type B3 virus – Hand,Foot, and Mouth Disease
Cytomegalovirus – fever blisters and or jaw cancer.
SARS Corona virus
89254 divided by 48,441 times 100 is 54.27 per cent.
Global health care system overloaded.
Assumption – A very high R0 factor of greater than 6.0
plugged into the population formula for the increase in virus will show
you the date of global infection.
Currently the virus doubles the people infected every 2.4 days.
This number can go up or down depending upon efforts.
Current world population is 7,768,183,780 from worldometers.
7,768,183,780 times .006292 is 53,755,832.
Because the virus will build its own “fire break line” at some point
in time (it runs out of people to infect) and counter efforts are
being made by all or most nations, the number might be cut in half to only
26,877,916 dead.
The 1918 spanish flu killed about 20 to 50 million.
Some estimates are that China already has that many dead as thee American death rate has been extremely high for known rates of infection.
I will have further exclusives on this in the coming days as usual, but America will not reach the saturation burn out point for some time. In the next week the projection is thousands will have the virus and that is the waymark. Thousands reach the DDF or Double Down Factor, in every two and half days, that number doubles.
This is the easy count 2000, 4000, 8000, 16,000, 32,000, 64,000, 128,000, 256,000, 512,000, 1,024,000..... or 25 days America reaches THRESHOLD, or as was noted, the virus would hit in March and maximize at April.
1 million, 2 million, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 million or around April 20th, the United States will reach a saturation point where the virus should begin burning out. There will be numbers of dead, numbers of people whose lungs are ruined and will never recover, and numbers who will reinfect and die. Those are the projections, and the rich will be treated, the poor will be left to die as usual.
A Russian biological expert stated it would require about a year for Corona to burn itself out, and then it would return to infecting bats. My concern is the ruined immune systems which are appearing with this virus due to the HIV chain having been included in this bioweapon.
My personal advice is on the above numbers to the rich and the stupid impulsive poor, is to get your supplies and stop getting on planes or deciding you just need to go somewhere. By the end of May you may be able to venture out on solitary journeys.
Just remember this virus has been thinking, and this virus is in competition with other virus. It may double infect being a genetic creation, but it also may produce a resistance in other virus will not attack someone already infected as it defeats itself if this is the case.
That is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Corona awareness has begun in the middle of nowhere. That is telling. Just re read those numbers again and contemplate them, as this is a viral war, and the best solution in this is to not be stupid in catching this virus by doing stupid things. Holing up in your house is not going to kill you. Going out just might or worse yet ruin your lungs or immune system by catching Corona.
Think of it as preparation for nuclear fall out, Wormwood, and whatever else, as you will have a great deal of practice in what is coming.
Once gain another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I Go To Extremes - Billy Joel - YouTube
I Go To Extremes by Billy Joel from The Essential Billy Joel album. This song is for entertainment purposes only.
Nuff Said