As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
For the record, the Corona Prince cruise ship was important, as it was an outlier, to infect the peoples of the United States, Japan and England.
For the United States, the Corona Princess had the Pentagon and CDC evacuate infected people into Omaha Nebraska. What was a first special evacuation out of China to an 85 bed military facility, became direct dumping of sick people into Omaha hospitals, contamintating them and exposing the public.
There is coordination in this, and in the Lame Cherry theory, the postulation, as what erupted later was Korean pandemic, is that Japan dumped people off the Corona Prince directly onto the streets. It is projected these carriers were meant to infect Koreans living in Japan in the millions.
England has numbers of ethnics as the United States has numbers of Mexicans and Omaha is a hub for Mexican labor distribution to the American interior.
Short projection believes that Corona Princess was to infect a strain of Corona to infect the forced labor populatoins, which in turn would cripple the economies of Japan, United States and England.
Time will tell on this, but as the President was given bad counsel in taking victory laps, the New York Times CIA division was warning Americans to prepare for this plague February 25th. This mirrors the projections of the plague would not begin in the United States until the March April window.
President Trump had been told this was seasonal, like the flu, and stated as such. As stated his advisors gave him inccorrect information which worsened this plague. The President know who these individuals were who dumped infected people into the United States and gave him bad information. They are criminals carrying out the same link to Corona Princess in dumping infected people inside thee American heartland.
Corona Princess was a watershed event. It was a deliberate infection of close quarter people, and then people inside governments, brought the carriers directly into these nations. That is a powerful group directing traffic, and it remains to be seen what the outliers are intended for.
This blog will state again, there were two virus released. With the advent of the Persian and Italian genus, it has expanded to three. There is a high probability that the Korean pandemic was another strain of this biological weapon which was nich released.
This blog personally concludes that there are as in the Arabian SARS, dead end virus which were released, to create clusters for media effect and then be contained. It is a conclusion that some of these clusters are not Bat Corona, but a human Corona with a mirror symptom.
Coronavirus: Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan now has ...
Feb 10, 2020The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus on the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship has nearly doubled. Sixty-six more people, including another 11 Americans, have fallen ill on the ...Coronavirus: 8 Americans test positive on Diamond Princess ...
Feb 7, 2020The number of diagnosed cases of coronavirus on a Princess Cruises ship quarantined off the coast of Yokohoma, Japan, has tripled to 61, according to a report from the cruise line late Thursday ...Coronavirus: Princess Cruises quarantines 3,700 after 10 ...
Feb 4, 2020Princess Cruises said it has placed 3,700 passengers and crew under mandatory quarantine after 10 people aboard the ship in Yokohama tested positive for the new coronavirus. The company said ...
Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said