Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Pulpit Bully

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was ......convinced that I could not be surprised or bored any more out of my gourd than possible by listening to Coast to Coast AM, until Saturday March 14th, when I like all Coast to Coast listeners found myself being tortured by Ian Punnett. For those who do not know who Punnett is, he is the stupid one on the right. He though is not the most stupid one in the photo, as George Noory is the most stupid in the photo, when you learn what Punnett did.

Punnett has this fag girly giggle thing going on, like Mark Simone, where are quasi intellectual, hides behind a mic, being a smart ass bully.

To fill in on this, Noory took Friday off, as he was probably Corona sick or thought he was. Noory has overseen the destruction of the Art Bell empire in having lost like 10 million listeners. Noory has to try and prop all this up, by making guest appearances around the country with the tin foil hat crowd. In most cases, Noory looks drunk at these events, as it must be hell being an old minder for the intelligence agencies, in having to be in California and Missouri dealing with people who think Steve Quayle is a genius.

So in that backdrop, Punnett had on the program these two "experts" lecturing on Coronavirus.

John Barry and Charles Pellegrino delved into past epidemics and parallels with the coronavirus. Open Lines followed.

From the reaction of the audience, they detested these two snobs, as their main rants and screed had to do with hating Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh, with a side that Coronavirus was not a biological weapon as no one would produce an RNA biological weapon's virus as it could not be controlled.

Apparently Punnett missed the previous Noory expert who revealed the USDA almost let loose a bacteria, the most common in the world, which would turn stubble into alcohol and leave a sludge. A week before this was released a kid discovered that the sludge ate EVERY PLANT AND SEED. Meaning the USDA almost released a bacteria which would have wiped out all plant life on the planet.

So Ian Punnett's idea of experts are those who are fixated on the Spanish Flu, hating Trump and Limbaugh and apparently trust the Chinese communists who keep having "accidental pandemics".

This is a photo of Deacon Punnett, and I think this is what they call a wife in Minnesota, or it looks like what would marry Ian Punnett. Must be hell being a woman, sitting there held hostage to a man she knows is as about as intelligent as his fat content.

As the guests who hated Trump and Limbaugh left, Coast to Coast enters the worst phase of the show in Open Lines. When Art Bell ran the show, the callers were interesting, with Noory I think there are like six callers, and they are all self absorbed trolls. I mean who being 500 years old, sits up all night, speed calling a program to get attention?
I wonder if Noory is out licking the door handles of old folks homes hoping to end his gulag at Coast to Coast.

So the callers began and they were really upset. In turn Punnett, being the little fat man he is, took it all personal. One guy was mad that a guest kept saying Limbaugh said Corona was like the common cold.
Instead of dealing with it as Noory would, Punnett started whining like a sissy that the Washington Times reported it, so go yell at them. The guy would not back down as he was a ditto head.
The fact is Rush Limbaugh is right in Corona is the common cold. It is as that is what the common cold is. He like Trump were pointing out liberals were going to use this virus to end his presidency as they tried before in Russiagate.

The fact is that Rush Limbaugh like Noory is in the chain of Mockingbird funding. They are supposed to keep the population steered. They also in this, are supposed to assist in keeping the public calm. I told you that America was deliberately being infected, an L strain to cause a panic, and then the S strain which is less lethal to most people. This is the acceptable deadly cure.
Project this out if L strain had been first strike at America as China was moving to accomplish. By summer 2020, China would have acquired Alaska oil fields, Chinese agents and cyber attacks would have prepared the way for a direct invasion, and China would have implemented the PLA protocols.
The lesser evil was to cripple China, a recession in America, and to inoculate Americans from a bat flu weapon. Complete genocide would be obviously bad. All this coming out would be really bad as all these dead Europeans and Americans would demand American nuke China.

So Trump hating guests and those who say Corona is not a biological weapon appear and Ian Punnett attacks Noory's audience, in order to protect the lies of the elite.

The things Punnett bitch slaps innocent people with though are quite blasphemous. He went into a theological spin to try and bluff his way through one of his challengers. Yes the Revelation of Jesus the Christ and chapters in Daniel are Apocryphal, set in stone, while other Prophecy can change. The caller was stunned, but Punnett had his 80 dollar theological book to explain it all as he said the Bible was "literature". No the Word of God is not "literature". It is the Living  Word of God. The Living Word of God sacred to most of the Coast audience.

For the record, there is not on Prophecy in the Bible which was not set in stone. Jonah warning Nineveh of destruction, did not stop the destruction, as it took place as Prophecy stated, the time line just shifted.  Even the Revelation time line has shifted, if not the events.

What struck me in this was returning to the fact that George Noory is an old man. He is exposing himself to Coronavirus to try and prop up that show doing these horrid speak and greets, and while he is away. Ian Punnett is pissing off and alienating Noory's dwindling audience.

The problem is Coast to Coast has too many Ian Punnetts'. George Noory is a horridly stupid sounding host. His cohort is the connected George Knapp, who has good content at times with his connections, but he has an ego bigger than his talent.
Added to the list are some pure torture hosts like Connie Willis, who has zero talent at interviewing and a mountain of talent at being annoying. That is a shame as she does have interesting people on.

Lisa Garr is a good host, but is not developed enough and does not have the guests. The best of the rest is the Canadian Richard Syrett and Jimmy Church. The passable ones though are like the guy who walks through skunk smell and then shows up at your house. Garr, Syrett and Church do OK, but you can't forget the scent of the others offending everyone.

Punnett went on to go smash mic with a caller who was upset with Chinese for all being liars, which of course Punnett said all were not liars and he was not going to allow that kind of racism. Yes China is part of a first strike biological weapon and the American listener is the racist.

That is the kind of Deacon Flat World that Punnett theologically inhabits. He sees the specks in the eyes of Gerorge Noory's listeners who do not like being made to feel vulnerable in a pandemic in having their President and hosts trashed in bias and prejudice by Punnett's guests...........just so you get this, Americans are scared and Punnett went out of his way to bring on liberal snob pseudo intellectuals to trash American deplorables and when they responded, Punnett bitch slapped the Americans.

The fact in this, Ian Punnett in the previous program was talking about his pet Chinaman, who was his friend and was using a pocket translator. Punnett's racism in having a Chinese pet, like all these White Privs, who keep minorities around and speak of them as "their friends", are not the racists in the room, but their racism is proof of how superior they are.

I would plead the case to George Noory that he is overstretch to his Obama Mockingbird employers.  It would be advisable to bring back the most talented John B. Welles who was quite intelligence mode superior.
Relegate George Knapp to procuring guests for the hosts of Friday and Sunday, along with Connie Willis, production and casting is where they are suited. For Friday and Sunday bring in Garr, Syrett and Church.

In this, banish Punnett as no one wants to hear his endless programs about boring obsolete artists as Coast is about UFO's not people who make movies about science fiction.

Prepare Coast to Coast to transition to John B. Welles. Noory should be focusing on online digital programming, and in this Coast would rise under Welles.

George Noory can not continue with Punnett destroying what is left of the Coast to Coast audience. The screeners are not blame for allowing the angry callers on air. It is Punnett who is to blame for slapping happy Noory listeners and making them furious.

The adage in this is, Teddy Roosevelt was right in using the bully pulpit. George Noory has the worst of it in a bully from the puplit in Ian Punnett.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
