Sunday, April 5, 2020

As American Hell Week Begins

Just think of me as a political coronavirus alive in the leftist rectum...


The abject failure of the administration has magnified this crisis. The president is already trying to pass the buck

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The election meddling of the Obama British is involved in 2020 as it was in 2016 against thee American People. In this year though of the Lord, the British are attempting to blame President Trump for the absolute murderous failures of Barack Hussein Obama.

When it was said that Trump fired CDC monitors in China, this was not the case, as this issue had been in the works for years, as Americans were stating they should not be paying for what China should be doing.

When the President is charged for lack of leadership, it was President Trump who against smears of racism, shut down US carriers bringing in infected foreigners.

Let us not forget that it was Barack Hussein Obama, funded the original Coronavirus bat research, which set off alarms across the world.
Let us not forget that it was Barack Hussein Obama, who signed off on the building of a Harvard bioweapons lab in Wuhan China.
Let us not forget that is was Obama holdover officials at the State Department who violated President Trump's original order to not bring sick Americans back into the United States.
Let us not forget that is was Barack Hussein Obama who created a bioweapons medical center in Omaha Nebraska, at the heart of America, and not as a real American President would in placing it offshore as Plum Island.

Coronavirus has Barack Hussein Obama's fingerprints all over it. It was Obama officials and holdovers who set the stage, used up resources, and then did not replace them.

Despite all of these Obama failings, President Trump has rallied America, while the democrats were busy impeaching him as a political stunt when all of this began in the first part of February.
Let us not forget as President Trump sought payments for all Americans to pay bills, that democrats led by Nancy Pelosi, were bailing out the Kennedy Center, where Obama had just appointed his two stooges of Susan Rice and Val-erie Jarrett......and then refused to pay the musicians!

In spite of all of this, on this Sunday, April 5th, two very good signs have appeared as the predicted Hell Week unfolds in America.

Italy's cases have begun to fall after their multi culture disaster of hugging Chinese and letting in 100,000 Chinese workers who created the disaster in Lombardy.
Recall in this, that the United States was said to be two weeks behind Italy, but as Italy's peak has fallen, under the leadership of President Trump and democrat Governor Cuomo, the death tolls are falling for the first time in New York City.
There is no way of telling without a week of this, as Minnesota's infection curve fell and then rose, but New York physicians have learned how to deal with Corona, and more importantly the new treatments, led by President Trump's promotion of Chloroquine is saving lives. Cases in New York were created as Italy, the allowing in of masses of Chinese who were infected.

Italy coronavirus curve fall signals hope for Europe - Washington Times   times

New York's Daily Deaths Toll Falls for First Time: Virus Update   max

President Donald Trump, and American Governors have taken the disaster of China, and with real numbers, began to cut off deaths 2 weeks earlier than in Italy, which was abandoned by the European Union. This is fantastic news and is anecdotal proof (to mock Dr. Fauci) that Americans can work together and bring recovery to those infected at a faster rate than before.

China under communism has failed, and is re infecting. Italy and Spain in socialism, with European confederation has failed. The Republics of Taiwan and South Korea under strong central leadership and citizen response, quelled this pandemic. The United States under the swift decisions of President Donald Trump and strong leadership of Governors has taken the worst of China, Italy and Spain, and turned it into a model of correct response.

The British mock that the Americans are stating it is proven leadership to not have 2 million dead and only 275,000, and if only 100,000 die, that is mocked too as a failure. Just remember in these "American Numbers" there are piled numbers of foreigner who never should have been in America and self infected in China.
Considering that it was Obama, multi culturalism, America was deceived and lied to by China, and betrayed by Obama leftists, the United States in playing from behind has blunted a global disaster, as the Queen went into hiding, Prince Charles somehow got sick, and Boris Johnson ended up in the hospital.

The British once again like Obama do a great deal of fingering pointing for their politics to harm America, but when the facts are examined it is their incompetence which is at the viral core of all of this.

The British solution was to go lick a Muslim and catch the virus. Obama's was to go into hiding.  None of this solved anything, but has made the situation worse for all. It is probably why the UK censors this blog as British delusions are as infatuated as Obama as the messiah.

As American Hell Week begins, is there anyone with a sound mind, who would trade Donald Trump for what London, Peking, Rome, Madrid or Ottawa has?
Would anyone not shutter, at the thought of Barack Obama who did nothing in his pandemics in letting American dies, at the thought of Joe Biden brain blubbering his way through online ramblings or Hillary Clinton having her corona lung cough episodes.

Donald Trump has proven in this first wave, that he has the stuff of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt to deal with impossible situations.
This blog has rightly given Donald Trump hell over MAGA, but his leadership has moved ahead treatments which are now proving to save lives.

That would not have happened under Jeb Bush as the Bush family sent medical supplies to China which American needed.

(PS: I do not believe this is hell week. The Surgeon General was correct in naming this Pearl Harbor as the first concentrated death tolls. The real toll will not until after the peaks of April 20th.)


How can you tell if Boris Johnson has Coronavirus?
He looks like he died a week ago from the day he was 25 years old. 

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
