Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Coronavirus with a Mexican Chaser

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The tourists are reporting the Lame Cherry exclusives out of ignorance as their own discoveries.  It is a matter though in these revelations are proving this blog correct again.

It is at this time to provide more revelations on the threat that Mexico is the United State, by the large squatter population occupying America. The cross border traffic is infecting the United States via Mexico, and this traffic flow will create immense hot spots in America, literal Beaner Death Zones.

According to Tello, the health care policy analyst, many health professionals in Mexico are questioning the coronavirus numbers at the border on account of the massive differences between confirmed cases in Mexico and the United States. San Diego County has 734 confirmed cases compared to Baja California’s 31. As of Sunday, Arizona had 919 cases, while neighboring Sonora state had only 14. New Mexico had 237 cases, Chihuahua state had only six. In the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas, there are a total of 121 cases in the five counties that border the state of Tamaulipas, which has just 8 confirmed cases.

The cause and effect of this is simple. The Mexicans via the Ford Foundation and various conglomerates engaged in human traffick, have perfected as smuggling system inside the United States. Ask yourself what a beaner in baja is going to do? Are they going to stay in toxic Mexico or pandemic California, or are they going to flee to other Latino strongholds, and think they are safe, as much as seek medical care there?
Of course they will flee as the Mexican does not have loyalty. They are not business oriented as the Chinese are. The Chinese catch and die in their own Chinatowns. The Mexican is a walking pandemic, without loyalties and only operating on self interest. I have observed this in the brier patch as the Mexican takes care of themselves and is oblivious to realities.
The same predatory nature which the Mexican has in preying on each other and America, will manifest in the coming weeks and already has. The same Latino who rapes children, and disappears into a new Mexican community with another stolen identity and Social Security number, is the same Mexican who will spread plague in self preservation like rats with the plague.

These vermin are going to overwhelm US hospitals and supplies. There are millions of these vermin and they will go off like ping pong balls on rat traps. This will affect numbers of US States, as these Mexicans are not going to follow orders. There will be convoys of them crossing states to get to their rendezvous. Spreading virus which will cause more problems for states.
Logically the Mexicans will die in Mexico, spread virus north and Mexican squatters in America will begin herding south, where fearing capture they will cross into Mexico.
 It is possible that the Mexicans to stop the pandemic will machine gun their own vermin coming back into Mexico.

 Inquiry indicated that 11 million would die. It would be humane really, as what could any nation do with millions of lung damaged vermin. Inquiry also indicated that the worst of this does not erupt in the United States until summer.

The good news is, that other tourists are coming to realization of other Lame Cherry revelations in this thinking virus.

Everything appears on schedule for this thinking virus. This burns through the Indians who have too much land and the Latins who are not cost efficient compared to robots, and we can all go back to cloth of the land vocations as the End Times have just begun.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
