Thursday, April 2, 2020

Democrats Best 2020 Candidate is Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I write this on March 11th, 2020, perhaps Joe Biden will have by now contracted Coronavirus and been removed from the democratic primaries, but at this time, I am reminded of the hit piece on Ronald Reagan by Bill O'Reilly in Killing Reagan, in which he went to great lengths to detail the lapses of Ronald Reagan's memory.

For Ronald Reagan, his problems began in the failed assassination attempt. His brain was deprived of oxygen and the anesthesia, began a process as in professional fighters, that the first knock out is not the problem, it is what follows is the problem.
By this, I explain in Ronald Reagan was perfectly fine mentally, even with the 1984 debates. In preparation, David Stockman and others simply badgered him with facts which he did not need to know and that created his slow response in the first debate. The problem was the surgery to remove a growth in his intestine, that second anesthesia is what began the clouding of Ronald Reagan's mind. He was not incapacitated, but he had good days and bad days.
The tipping point was the brain injury from being bucked off a horse in Mexico, which produced bleeding, and again anesthesia produced the clouding of the mind.

It was then that Ronald Reagan, suffering too many traumas began the slow descent into dementia.

In watching Joe Biden, one has to remember that he almost died of a brain trauma in his mid life. As I have no record of his previous "lying", in the post period of this, Joe Biden developed a series of horrid misstatements and lapses in judgment. He plagiarized an Irish speech almost word for word which drove him from an early presidential primary. He had made ridiculous comments, but they had been written off as Bidenisms.

The problem is though, that Joe Biden from 2016 when he left office to the time of 2020, he has demonstrated that his injured and aging mind, is no longer capable of simple assembling of thoughts. The internet is full of his lapses and he is progressively degrading worse. From his not remembering basic Constitutional phrases, to saying "We need to re elect Donald Trump", Joe Biden has degraded into episodes of anger and fury, which are part of senility. This is nothing to be praised by the leftwing press and yet it has, as what is a cantankerous, ornery old man on his front porch yelling at children is a man behind his Oval Office Desk with nuclear codes attempting to launch a nuclear strike on Russia, because he is a cantankerous, ornery old President.

The United States with coronavirus, the economic meltdown, the instability in China, the growing strength of Russia looking to exploit the world, is not a place for President Joe Biden. It is not a place where his cabinet, due to democratic loyalty will like Woodrow Wilson have his wife signing his name and making policy. It is not a place where the cabinet attempts to invoke the 25th Amendment and democrats in Congress rally and trash Republicans, and Joe Biden calls out the FBI to arrest his traitors. It is not the place for a cabinet in all of this turmoil to add to it, by trying to remove a sitting President and America not having the time for a Vice President, to try and learn the job in an Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota.

Democrats can not allow Joe Biden to be nominated. It will be brutal in this campaign, in watching the further degradation of Joe Biden. Yes a Corona campaign of him sitting at home making rehearsed speeches would benefit him, but he is not immune to still getting Corona and dying, or being hooked up to a ventilator on election day. What will America do if democrats elect Joe Biden and he is removed and the Vice President elect has to choose a new Vice President?

There are whispers of a brokered convention. Whispers of Hillary Clinton, who has her own medical issues and drunkenness will be Biden's choice. In these times, America does not need two old people with health issues, one of unsound mind as president and one of unsound body in vice president.

The answer would be for Joe Biden to step down, but he is not going to do this. If Joe Biden contracts Coronavirus before the convention or the delegate voting is completed, it will be a further upheaval. This is a huge problem which everyone knows is a huge problem, because democrats in order to stop their radical wing under Bernie Sanders which they created for their socialism, chose an old man who is not going to remember he is President by 2022.

Ronald Reagan at a celebration of his birthday, rose and gave a most eloquent reply to Margaret Thatcher. There was applause, he stood, and began the same exact speech. His friends gasped as they knew something was wrong, and this was when Ronald Reagan appeared mentally fit after leaving the White House.

Joe Biden is in the prestage of this. He is probably 2 years away from this, and 3 before he will not be able to function, but his ability to lead is already impaired.

Joe Biden can not fix this by nominating a younger person as Vice President. Joe Biden can not fix this by promising to serve only one term. Joe Biden can not fix this by promising to only serve one day in January before stepping down. Joe Biden should never have gotten into this race and Joe Biden should have quit before now.

When people began this slide into senility, few are like Ronald Reagan to enter it with grace. For democrats, Joe Biden will not be able to accomplish a feat of stating, "I was wrong to get into this, as I did not realize my mental functions were deteriorating, but they have, and by voting for me now, we will move this to a brokered convention by the delegates to choose a candidate for democratic nomination".

That is the classy way out. The alternative for democrats is to force Joe Biden to submit to a medical examination to diagnose what his brain function is, and when it proves he is incapable, this then has to be turned over to the convention, to transition to democratic voters.

I have no idea the disaster the democrats will produce in their nominee. Their best candidate is the current governor of California, who has performed well, compared to Dictator Cuomo of New York.

I am not seeking to assist democrats in their process as America does not need any more Obama communism, but this is about a party which has been heartless and soulless for some time, which is now rigging elections to cheat Bernie Sanders again, and this time they have an old man who does not belong in any political campaign, any flight cockpit, any operating room or any place where major decisions that effect people's lives.

The democrats are putting forward a Joe Biden who could not win the nomination without sabotage and in order to replace Joe Biden they have to put forward candidates who could not defeat a brain addled Joe Biden. That is disturbing and not the strength to lead America through the mine field the world has entered.

For the sake of what is left of America, and what will be left of the world, Donald Trump is all America has, as he was all America had in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.

Democratic voters are absolutely to blame for this from Super Tuesday onward as they continued to vote against Bernie Sanders, with problem that vote was for a mentally incapacitated Joe Biden.

Nuff Said
