Sunday, April 12, 2020

Living with Coronavirus Infections


Coof Coof 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was writing this post to explain what it was like to experience different strains of Coronavirus Wuhan, as I believe Americans were infected in November of last year as a fire line in certain percentages through oral transmission.

I will call that Type A in American, and numbers of people have experienced it, including Bill Mitchell, who wants all of you to get it, as he is angry about it in his mum died during this time, but I on the other hand want to keep you from contracting this by deliberate infection or accidental infection.

Type A hits hard. I was fine except for usual fatigue, until the flipper in back of my throat just got sore with snot one evening. I can usually shake off this virus type with gargling, but this set in with a fury.
I was most concerned about TL, but TL only had a slight soar throat and was well. I on the other hand have been manifesting this for sometime over the winter.

I had everything from fevers, to chills, watery sore eyes, to slight cough, to dizziness, to headaches which felt like someone whacked me with a sledge hammer for several days, to feeling sharp pains like a spike was driven into my skull, to what concerned me was a heavy chest, pain in areas where I have lung damage, and my heart beat very hard for several days. I produced a great deal of snot which I hate, along with the sore throat making it hard to swallow.
I degraded for about 8 days to the lung and heart problems, and then got better with the next 6 days producing too much snot.

I have written that my fringe world is odd and dangerous, and when it was noted I was exposing what this Coronavirus really was, those behind it decided I need to be terminated by Coronavirus. As my first inoculation like everyone elses was not the correct one, three more strains were provided. I do not know in February if someone visited, as I thought I had a headache from cleaning up a rat's nest literally, as the spikes in my head returned, but two weeks later when were in town, someone was in our home, as the cat went wild in response and caught the Coronavirus, as our outside cats had contracted it from the November exposure.
The house was sprayed when the cat got it, and this time the symptoms appeared with diarrhea at first, a sort of dry nose and throat, which is hard to describe, and then for two days it was like I was breathing, but I was not getting any air. It felt like I had a big down coat compressing my chest. I was more concerned about "What the hell is this", than in later figuring out it was another Corona strain.
A repeat entry was in the house for another exposure which I will not get into.

With this, it was two weeks in which I could not get my breath in feeling like I was suffocating while on a walk, eating an apple.

I recovered, but as corona is in strains, I relapsed the first part of April with the A Strain, again a fever, my eyes were read and watering, sore in spots on the lids, same wham sore throat, and slight head stuffiness, with some lung hurt and heart hurt.

I was pondering this as Bill Mitchell rants about his condition, but as myself as an experiment, I know the last time was not anything like the first, which means I have antibodies in my system for A strain. I am not talking about L strain which is shit eating lethal or S strain which is the inoculation which one of these exposures was I had too, but this A strain which produced a real "cold and flu" has produced a defense in my body, in each time this sleeper strain emerges like Lyme, it is getting less symptomatic.
I want to state, that I was active like most people in A strain, that this strain was orally ingested, meaning it was fed to people, as I wondered why no one was getting this in town last winter as it was a bad flu. As I have not contaminated anyone, I am not shedder, I was exposed to a strain which was designed to infect, but not spread like Arabian SARS. Everything I have been exposed to in these 3 to 4 strains to make sure the lethal strain does not kill me, have been like a vaccine which does not spread the germ.

I'm not pleased about any of this. I am thankful powerful people issued an order to keep me from being assassinated for what is posted here by infecting me with lesser strains and cut off strains, but this has been most unfun, especially as big donations would have brightened my sullen world.

I was concerned as information was posted from others wondering what was going on, and in places where this virus went active again in people who were over it, if this was not ever going to have antibodies to it, like it would be malaria, but in my situation, this thing does come back, but each time my body is reacting with more immunity. That means the body in A strain is figuring out how to deal with this lurking virus, which is probably embedded in the sugars the body has in the antigens as Lyme does.

That means this A strain will cure out in months, and probably protected me from acquiring another virus, as there was no  room at the inn.

As I mentioned TL worried me with TL's lung issues, and I could not figure out what the hell was up, as I did not want to give TL this thing. I have been phobic to washing hands, wiping things down with alcohol and rinsing with bleach since last November, but today I came across the reason TL only had a slight case each time. Remember this is a biological weapon, that it was BAT SARS, having spliced into it the bacteria of tuberculosis and the new HIV auto immune virus. This is a complex weapon in being fungal, bacteria and viral.

TL as a child visited Asia, twice. Each time TL was vaccinated for a host of things. Today after reading the below article, I asked TL, did you get a turberculosis vaccination? TL said that was the case.
See that is the information coming out in studies of what I was wondering about too in why Portugal was not having a severe outbreak as Spain was. The reason is Portugal has mandatory womb to the tomb vaccinations for TB, as has most of the Eastern block from the Soviet era.
Iran only began vaccinating in 1984, so it had a segment of the population which was older which had not any TB vaccinations.

This Coronavirus Wuhan, apparently needs the TB part to kill with in the lungs. If a person was vaccinated, the information appears to reveal that part is shut down, and a person will only experience the BAT part in fatigue, soar throat in a mild form and diarrhea.

Has the key to a coronavirus vaccine been around since 1922?

Coronavirus is teaching us in spliced biological weapons, that from Chloroquine which inhibits the sugars and changes PH, to Ivomec which interferes with the protein transfer, and now the TB shot which cuts off the lung infection, that this virus is pretty much like a person with their limbs cut off, in it can not do a great deal of harm.

I sincerely hope that I will recover in my immune system as I have had help, and the things we have taken like zinc and selenium have helped, but the TB vaccinations are another proof that Coronavirus is a biological weapon, as it's TB part is neutralized by having been vaccinated in only mild reactions have taken place by the information.

I had thought when this began that I should have been a biological researcher in cells, but I have had enough of this now, in understanding the system and functions, as this is just another centerfold to look at and say, "I have seen those parts before". Now I just want to be free of this, and for the dominoes to fall because of this and pray Christ returns and wipes out all of this evil, and that includes rich non donors.

Once again, the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I post the above article below, in case it "disappears".

Nuff Said


Has the key to a coronavirus vaccine been around since 1922?

Why has Spain had almost 11,000 deaths from the coronavirus pandemic while Portugal’s death toll barely exceeds 200?
Such a disparity in numbers within the Iberian peninsula is mysterious, but it could in part be explained by the two countries’ different use of a vaccine. Not a vaccine against COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus – no such vaccine exists yet, rather it is the decades-old tuberculosis vaccine that seems to offer an explanation.
A new scientific study has discovered a possible correlation between countries where it is mandatory to be vaccinated against tuberculosis, also called “Bacillus Calmette-Guerin” (BCG), and the impact of the new coronavirus.
"We found that countries without universal policies of BCG vaccination (Italy, Netherlands, USA) have been more severely affected compared to countries with universal and long-standing BCG policies", the study's authors wrote.
"There have been reports that the BCG vaccine can produce broad protection against respiratory infections," Gonzalo Otazu, a researcher at the New York Institute of Technology and one of the study's authors, explained on Twitter.
"We looked at the data: countries that never implemented a universal BCG vaccine were being hit hard by COVID-19, with a high number of deaths per capita."
Otazu compared policies in countries where tuberculosis vaccination has been universally applied – where everybody must be vaccinated – and countries where is has not been.
Italy, the country with the highest number of deaths from COVID-19 with 13,915, has never universally applied tuberculosis vaccination.
Japan, which has reported only 63 deaths from coronavirus and has taken less stringent containment measures, has a universal tuberculosis vaccination policy.
The researchers also compared Iran to Japan, two countries that have applied universal BCG vaccination, but at different times.
Japan started its universal BCG vaccination policy in 1947 while the Iranian policy was put in place in 1984. Japan has about 100 fewer deaths per million inhabitants than Iran, they found.
"Countries that have a late start of universal BCG policy (Iran, 1984) had high mortality, consistent with the idea that BCG protects the vaccinated elderly population", the authors wrote.
"We also found that BCG vaccination also reduced the number of reported COVID-19 cases in a country."

The different impact of coronavirus in Western and Eastern Europe

The research could also explain the difference between the impact of the coronavirus in Western and Eastern Europe, because universal tuberculosis vaccination policies were widely spread in the countries of the former Soviet Union (USSR).
The eastern states of Germany, which were part of the USSR as East Germany until reunification in 1990, have lower numbers of COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people, according to the Robert Koch Institute's national tally:
In Spain, the second country with the most deaths from coronavirus in the world, only one region, the Basque Country, includes the BCG vaccine in its official vaccination policy, according to the Spanish Annals of Pediatrics.

Clinical trials begin in Australia

A team of Australian researchers announced on Friday that they have started testing the tuberculosis vaccine on a large scale to see if it can protect healthcare staff from the coronavirus.
About 4,000 Australian hospital workers will participate in the clinical trial that will seek to determine if the tuberculosis vaccine can reduce symptoms of COVID-19, researchers at the Murdoch Institute in Melbourne said.
"Although it was originally developed for tuberculosis and is still administered to more than 130 million babies each year, BCG also increases the body's basic immune capacity, helping it to respond more strongly to germs," the researchers said in a statement.
"We hope to see a reduction in the frequency and severity of symptoms of COVID-19 in healthcare workers who have been vaccinated with BCG," the head of the research team, Nigel Curtis, explained.
Similar tests will also be carried out in other countries such as the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom.
If clinicians can prove that the clinical trial is successful, the elderly and other people who are vulnerable to COVID-19 due to underlying conditions could receive the tuberculosis vaccine to cope with future outbreaks of the coronavirus.
A German study has suggested that in that case, the tuberculosis vaccine could "help to bridge the time" until a vaccine specifically effective against the novel coronavirus is developed.

A vaccine from a century ago

French scientists began developing the BCG vaccine in 1908 and the first human trials began in 1921. The name BCG, Bacillus Calmette-Guerin, comes from the names of the two bacteriologists involved: Albert Calmette and Camille Guerin.
Tuberculosis is caused by bacteria that attack the lungs. People contract it by being in close contact with an infected person as they sneeze or cough.
The disease became especially common after World War II and the use of the drug spread during the 1950s, when large specialised hospitals were created to treat tuberculosis patients.
Tuberculosis or BCG is highly infectious and despite being a preventable and curable disease, each year 10 million people become infected and 1.5 million people die from it, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
The WHO also says that tuberculosis is the leading cause of death for people with HIV and a major contributor to antimicrobial resistance.
Doctors conducting the trial in Australia urge the general population not to consider being given this vaccine before the results of the clinical trials are known.
The drug is needed to vaccinate or treat 130 million people each year and high demand would put pressure on limited stocks.