Thursday, April 16, 2020

More People will die from Work than Coronavirus

If Coronavirus don't get us, then work will!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Personally, I find it pathetic as much as detestable, this lame "open the economy" bullshit endangering Americans to fund Wall Street rapine of America in time of this pandemic. It has descended to Betsy McCaughey and Ted Cruz, lamenting that if Americans do not get back to work, they are going to die. Yes people who do not work will die 63% more than people exposing themselves to pandemic.

77,000 die from overdose and suicide.

If unemployment hits 32%, some 77,000 Americans are likely to die from suicide and drug overdoses as a result of layoffs. Scientists call these fatalities deaths of despair.

Overall, the death rate for an unemployed person is 63% higher than for someone with a job,

Ted Cruz was echoing this in how nuts people get when not working and end up killing themselves, as people who are not working like the rich, old people and Jews, kill themselves all the time and  that is why there is none of them left......oh that's right, people don't get depressed from not working.

Cruz then warned about the devastation — not just economically but in terms of public health — that will occur if we let these mass shutdowns drag on for months.
“If we allow that to turn into months, we’re going to see human lives lost, we’re going to see real devastation, from poverty from dreams shattered from family businesses put out of business from people whose savings are lost,” he said. “And that’s going to lead to mental health issues that’s going to lead to depression, it’s going to lead to substance abuse, it’s going to lead to increased suicide

 Remember that 77,000 dead. Well around 37,000 people die in car crashes going to work each year, and if they are home from Corona, they will not die, so 77,000 drops to 40,000, which is of course why Ted Cruz and all those mic heads are concerned about like George Noory, driving people out to face pandemic.

Motor vehicle fatality rate in U.S. by year
The table below shows the motor vehicle fatality rate in the United States by year from 1899 through 2018. It excludes indirect car-related fatalities, such as an average of 100,000 deaths per year resulting from air pollution. For 2016 specifically, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data shows 37,461 people were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes, an average of 102 per day. In 2010, there were an estimated 5,419,000 crashes, 30,296 deadly, killing 32,999, and injuring 2,239,000.Wikipedia

But then 50,000 die at work each year. Hmmm, so 40,000 were left alive, and now if you take the 50,000 away, you are left with 10,000 more people are alive in not going to work.

 So in the average, Ted Cruz's dead Americans at home from not working, actually are safer and 10,000 more are alive in the years end, than if they are out working, and catching Coronavirus.

I do enjoy exposing these frauds, who claim they care about Americans, and in the end, they don't give a damn about Americans, but use these shams to try and drive Americans to work.

The fact is the economy is not going to suffer. People need toilet paper and Donald Trump saved the oil industry in America. People are still working from home and they are doing well enough, if the damned vultures like the debt collectors and people driving innocent back to work, would be stopped.

The reason everyone is being lied to, is because these money interests are not going to be honest in telling you, that you don't matter at all, except as something to be exploited. You only have a purpose in propping up these fraud's lifestyles.

The Push-back Begins: Protests of Stay-at-Home Orders Popping Up Nationwide - American Greatness   amgreatness 

The fact is with social distancing, people staying out of accidents, even with everything else, more lives will be saved, even in a pandemic, than if the slave plantation had been cracking the whip for all of 2020.

Why though pilgrims does Rush Limbaugh get to take off for work and force the President into the pandemic?

Talk-show legend Rush Limbaugh is making an extraordinary offer to President Donald Trump, giving the commander in chief a chance to connect with even more Americans by taking over his top-rated radio program.
"If the president wants to do this -- if he wants to come on and have a show -- we'll let him do it," Limbaugh said on his national broadcast Wednesday.

Limbaugh is doing this, because his show is tanking even further. People did not appreciate his "common cold" bullshit, so now he is trying to have the President save his ass, as the sympathy ploy of cancer has not worked........and by the way, Joe Biden is going to get the same access to Limbaugh's program as it is a campaign season.

Oh and more people will die from work than Coronavirus..........and more people die from work than the flu.


Get to work you fat bastard!!!

Nuff Said
