As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
President Donald Trump has made it crystal clear that he will decide when to reopen states. States which were shut by their Governors, when the President was suggesting about solutions.
Trump makes it crystal clear, it's HIS decision when to reopen states, NOT that of governors ∞ bizpacreview
The President is wrong in this, as it is the Governors who decide when their states are opened.
The President is a powerful man. For he can be like President Eisenhower sending in federal troops forcing Whites to accept Blacks in the South.
The President can be like President Reagan and blackmail States to bend knew to federal rules.
What is President Trump going to do? Send in troops to chase people from their homes and force them back to work? Is this President going to send in the FBI to arrest Governors for opening up their states? Is this President with people scared, going to withhold money from States so people die of Trump orders, instead of Coronavirus?
I have a suggestion for this President, he needs to be more crystal clear, in stating he will not open States to spread the pandemic and will protect Americans as his priority. For the point is, his Rush Limbaugh medal wearers are calling his suggestions draconian and raging for people to be forced back to work, as the economy is more important than American lives.
Right now he sounds like a tyrant, as the Governors are praising him for his 2020 re election.
Andrew Cuomo lauds Trump as 'amazingly accessible': 'He has delivered for New York' - Washington Times ∞ times
The President is winning. He needs to not start losing in the victory.
Coronavirus: Gov. Newsom says West Coast coordinating plans to end lockdowns – Orange County Register ∞ ocregister
Just make it known if the lockdowns are ended and the pandemics reappear, that those responsible for goading them in media, and those politicians engaged in them, will be held responsible in the courts of law.
The President has no authority to close or open States. He starts using the weapons of military and money, and he might as well concede 2020 to Joe Biden.
Nuff Said