I told the President we needed something so viral, so pandemic,
so sinister in human form to beat Coronavirus.
The President said, "Look at Jared, he's your man!"
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Can your state borrow an aircraft carrier from the Navy?
How about if your state needs some petroleum to drop your gas prices, surely you can just load up a few hundred trucks like Obama ISIS did and your gas prices are lower right?
How about your state wants to annex the Grand Canyon or Yosemite, you can just take that as it is there right?
If you can figure that there is a difference between federal and state on those issues, then you should probably not be sucked in when Jared Kusher says there is not a state reserve in a federal emergency stockpile of surgical mask, that states can just raid like your daddy's credit card, because it is a federal stockpile, just like you state has or should have had purchased goods for an emergency, just like when you have an emergency you call your 911 and not Washington as you know where your help comes from.
Kushner, who said he is assisting Vice President Mike Pence, the leader of the coronavirus task force, said that, “The notion of the federal stockpile was it’s supposed to be our stockpile. It’s not supposed to be state stockpiles that they then use.”
It is no secret that I have no respect for the lackluster Jared Kushner, whose greatest accomplishment is Wendi Deng confused Ivanka Trump long enough for him to marry her. The things though that appear in the press at times though are so off the wall, that they are treasonous in what is happening in this pandemic.
Do I worry about Shin Bet Jared Kushner? Yes I do in his appearing in every situation. I also realize that when President Trump has allowed a second layer of response to Coronavirus, and his direction is streamlining this to the same CAN DO team that I advocated for in the US military in the quartermaster corp and Jared Kushner is heading this to push for acquiring the medical supplies America needs, I don't care if it was the devil himself, as long as it gets done.
There are stories about the President being blamed for stealing masks from France by buying them on the runway. Then the President is slammed because he will not force 3M or whatever IBM to sell masks to Americans, but they are selling them to foreigners at high prices.
The reality is, masks are reusable in the Governor DeWine sanitizing of them. The fact is, except for some medical personnel who think the world has an infinite supply of things which they have right to, instead of shepherding those supplies or perhaps have been like preppers and purchased their own box for an emergency, as it is not like I get free computers just because I write a blog, so I have to prepare, so I have little sympathy for high paid medical people, while I have to beg for money.
The President was right. It is Governor Cuomo, Chuck Schumer and that blonde thing, along with AOC who are responsible for New York's everything, not Donald Trump, and certainly not your state to supply New York.
These liberals have money for queers, money for sex changes to perverts, money for bashing God, but they expect other people to spend their money to provide things for New Yorkers.
As I said, I worry about Jared Kushner. the Jews are promoting some unproven and dangerous as hell treatments, which could make Coronarvirus look like a Rush Limbaugh cold, if they screw something up in the human immune system.
I have the same worries though about Dr. Anthony Fauci who is joined at the genitals with Bill Gates in 100 million in grants, and is all up the ass about vaccines, and goes out of his way to shoot down Chloroquine which is effect, cheap and now, for people suffocating on their own lung snot.
I have lots of worries, but the President got rid of the Obama holdovers which caused this pandemic to be dumped into America. He is now moving as he would in business for a team which can get things done which Germ Lord Mike Pence has failed with. Let us remember that the FBI has not yet investigated who at Atlanta CDC sabotaged the first test kits. Let us remember that the FBI has yet to investigate the spread of virus in Teluride Colorado and a Chinese company got the contract to draw blood samples.
I worry about Ivanka trading in Jesus for Jared, in a earthly covenant. I worry about their family. I worry about lots of things like Ivanka still manifesting the virus after being exposed. The one thing I am not worried about is Jared Kushner working deals, smarmy ass deals, as that is the one thing he is good at. He can't make Mideast peace worth a shit, but he can peddle influence and sell his wife's soul for a Chinese song to bail his ass out, and that is what this takes to fill in the blanks in this for America.
George Patton was denied by Eisenhower supplies for his 3rd Army. So this 3rd Army stole from the other armies, traded and flat out broke laws, but he won.
Everything in this is not going to be by the book. I will never trust Jared Kushner nor stop worrying about Ivanka, but I do know that Americans do not belong behind these worthless masks because if you LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE, the Chinese lived in those damned things, and it did not do one damn bit of good, as every photo you saw of a dead Chinese on the sidewalk, they were wearing a mask.
Really saved them now didn't it.
Just look at Jared Kushner. He is the slimiest, sleaziest, smarmiest Jew bastard on the planet. He looks like a cock with Vaseline and cunt juice all over him, slipperier than snot on ice. Something that
Shylock has got to be a match for any biological weapon to beat it..
Nuff Said