Wednesday, April 8, 2020
This Coronavirus Warning Will Probably Save More Lives Than Vaccines
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was searching for a photo for this post and found a bride in a toilet paper dress. Considering Coronavirus. making it out of silk now would probably be cheaper.
That said, there are things in this blog that I really do not want to write about in Coronavirus, but I have to, even as disgusting as it is, because it will save lives.
I was reading on Amazon about some sad sack whining about cheap Amazon ass wipe, in how it took more than one to two sheets and even in folding over, it had tearing issues, which means shit on your fingers.
Yes the fun of this blog.
We have a guy here that I call Shit Fingers, because he once stated when offering to get out of the way to wash his hands, "I don't wash my hands" and out of the restroom he strolled.
I about retched each time I saw this dump, and it just made me more aware of what people are really like in this world.
For the record, America has let in Mexicans, Chinese, Indians, who do not know what toilet paper is. They consider an extravagant expense, and they also never wash their shitty hands.
I will state this again, most of this Coronavirus transmission is from SHIT, human excrement, coming off of shitty hands placed on everything, and if the vermin are not wiping their ass with their hands, they have their hands in their crotches scratching away like a chimp.
Yes it is disgusting, but no CDC or government guidelines will ever be issued for people to wipe their asses with toilet paper or to wash their hands. What I am going to address though is the warning against the FRUGAL TOILET PAPER USER.
We all know what comes out of our asses and what comes out of other people's asses. We know that we have days of sticky shit from cheese, to hard rock shit in not eating fruity, to days our bodies say, "Oh SHIT WHAT WAS THAT", and out comes a stream like goose.
There is not any way in this world that one sheet of toilet paper is going to deal with most shit. For the scrubbers those Charmin lint balls really turn your ass into Anus Lint, and all of that brings us to the reality that people with high priced toilet paper, are going to ration themselves in thinking they can get buy. Some people who have plastic wrapper shit, will be screaming at their kids to stop wasting ass wipe, and the kids will end up with shit in their asses, shit in their clothes, shit on their hands, and shit leaking where they sit and shit on everything they touch.
So the Lame Cherry is telling all of you, USE ENOUGH TOILET PAPER, because you shit contains all the fun of food poisoning, bloody diarrhea, hepatitis, HIV and out new visitor, Coronavirus Wuhan.
The last thing you rationers want is to have to haul yourself or your kids to the hospital, shitting like a goose, when those hospitals have nothing but Coronavirus in them. You are going to catch that virus and then be shitting blood, along with drowning in bloody lung.
You can not save on toilet paper any more than turning lead into gold.
I know people around here were picking up those free newspapers we have, as they disappeared. I pick them up for baby calf pee or for baby chickens, so I have a pile, and those papers all disappeared, and you know people were not bagging that, but flushing it, and it went into plugging the sewers like New York had t shirts plugging things as people wiped their asses with clothes and then flushed like dumb asses.
So just telling you, use toilet paper. It is going to be there as it already is flowing back in at higher prices. You can not have shitty hands all over your things or you will give yourself something. You can not put your shit all over the place or others are going to catch things. America can not have as many Corona cases as Charmin ass cases, because bloody shits actually kill more people than Coronavirus will. That is the first time I will say that there is something worse than Coronavirus.
You have enough problems, so wipe your ass, shower your ass off regular, spray down your showers with bleach, and wipe your things down in steering wheels and wear gloves, because it only takes one shit fingers to contaminate 500 people in a public place.
This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, saving hundreds of thousands of lives, and wondering just what it will take to get the people who can afford it to donate, as no one else covers this shit.
Nuff Said