Thursday, April 2, 2020

Trump's Lincoln Model

Oh Audrey, we survived Coronavirus, you look much thinner with a future.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the "Greatest American Generation", they were manipulated to not revolt, with the GI Bill, cheap guns an ammo, beer by the gallon, cigarettes to calm them down, coffee to get them to work all day, and television. The illusion of thee American Dream.

It would help the disposition of the American People, who are now locked together, hate each other, are only with the other person as it is too expensive to divorce, for President Donald Trump ro provide an outlet for them.

The Lame Cherry recommends the following, to keep the lid on the American People, a reward for behaving, a reward for surviving Coronavirus. No one is really going to care about Coronavirus or the election in November, if these issues are addressed.

free over air television /  internet / Netflix

keep gas cheap

get the toilet paper shortage fixed

cheap soda and beer

egg prices down

 The President did an excellent job with the 1200 dollar check. The Congress robbed the people though as Mitch McConnell had promised 1500. It would assist the President to top this off with fulfilling the promises of others.

People are discovering they like not being held responsible for everything from taxes to bleeding in wars. This should be promoted as a recovery time which Americans need from a generation of maladies. The economy is not going to shut down, but protections for this pandemic should be initiated as was suggested in Promissory Notes or Lincoln Greenbacks to fill in for rent and other necessities.

The People do not need a great deal, they just need some pampering to the election.

As the President has done away with Obama mileage blackmail of the auto industry, and he has done so well with getting corporate to manufacture masks, perhaps a return to the Mustang, Jeep, Ranger in a 6000 dollar affordable vehicle with a carb would be a gift Detroit could produce millions of units, which would run forever and give the auto industry a production line which Americans could afford and save their industry. Vehicles are too complex, just like everything is out of reach. Build them a bridge to something and they will be satisfied.

The President has been quite Lincoln in cutting red tape and being accessible for solutions.  Got to make the pigs believe there are enough tits for each one, and as this is 1950, you give the People the rewards to make them happy in their homes, as that makes happy voters.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

