Sunday, May 17, 2020

Deja Vu

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I had a really unsettling deja vu moment these past weeks and it is not that I dislike deja vu, because I do, but because the subject still has me unsettled.

I check the local obituaries often as a past time as good news is often posted there in horrid people are dead. This time thought I was reading them and noticed a mousey looking old woman and died, and I clicked to read her life story, which involved her going into a state home, in her parents must have died, and she was adopted, and moved here to live out her days with a good family of her own.

When I read the part about the state home, I was sad, and then I got a flashback of seeing this woman's photo. Her name was familiar and I remembered begin sad in the heart over her early childhood. I realized that I had read this previously, and everything about it was crystal clear in that moment all of this flashed in my psyche.

I have no idea why though I tuned into this woman or what was the reason of all things, that this was the one thing in so many events which is what I had been in the future to see.

I always think that I should be seeing lottery numbers of some kind of stock pick to make a fortune. It would be lovely to see some asshole hiding away money that is lost, and just walking on over and carrying the millions home. Maybe that happens, but I have not remembered any of that yet.

I know that I see things in dreams, and know I connect with things in having been there before. I just figure that I have enough problems in the here and now, than to focus on those things which are yet to appear. It is not like one seeks out people who are going to die, and one says,"Hey I read your obit, sorry you are going tits up".

This one though troubled me, as I suppose I touched the pain of this little girl eighty some years ago. Not that I do not have enough pain, but something flicked out of the matrix and I read the moment.

I think I will focus on future events to make me money, as I have interest in that and there should be schism galore in rich folks being ripped away from their God and in turmoil over that. Should be lots of emotion and a good signature to go find the family fortunes.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
