Saturday, May 2, 2020

It is against the Law to Wear a Mask and against the Law to not Wear a Mask

The guidelines might suggest the use of bandanas and other cloth coverings. The intention is to deter those who unknowingly have the disease from spreading it to other people, as opposed to preventing those wearing protection from catching it.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly do not see the point of these mandates to wear masks, as the Surgeon General pointed out, that stupid people clawing at their faces with masks on, simply introduces the virus to them, or as this blog points out, sick people fingering their faces, only contaminates their hands and spread the virus to you, on shopping carts, doors etc...
There simply is zero discipline in people to not be picking at that hot sweaty breath mask, and it will add to surface contamination.

The spread of Coronavirus is human shit, in people not washing their hands, as Corona has a dry cough. That is what Dr. Fauci and others have explained, and yet the public panic has dolts in power promoting placebos for their dolts, which will only embolden them.

In the 1918 pandemic, gauze masks were used. The reason cotton gauze was chosen and used until the 1960's was that it could be laundered, as human breath carries a large amount of moisture, bad odors and germs. The human mouth is slightly less toxic than a cat's mouth filled with putrid meat.

What a wonderful Texas it is, where citizens are going to be forced to have sweat breath gagging them as everyone mumbles what conversations no one can hear.

Texas Town Orders Citizens To Wear ‘Nose And Mouth’ Coverings Or Face Fine Up To $1,000   dailywire

There is a problem in this though, because I remember cops arresting people in Virginia for wearing a scarf because it was cold at a gun rally. It has been a big ass sticking point in Trump supporters being harassed by law enforcement for hiding who they were, as it was terrorism in the federal law.

FOX was all gung ho for the face masks, even when the Surgeon General stated as in the first quote, they may keep people from spreading the virus, but do nothing to keep people from catching the virus. The eyes are a much greater conduit to fluids, being moist, than a nose which has a barrier as much as the mouth has.
There is nothing wrong with people choosing to wear a mask to protect themselves, but producing these policies is sending the wrong message to the public. Doing something because the dumb ass Chinese are doing it, is brainless.
The Chinese eat their own shit in dirty hands and suck in enough pollution to match a 1000 packs of cigarettes a month.

The Chinese die, because they are a stupid people who think they can steal pandemic viruses to supplant other world orders, and not be noticed, so those powers strike first.

China is idiot central in thinking they could lie, and had stemmed the first outbreak and could continue on. The world order is not going to allow China to ever get off the mat, or China is going to retaliate, so China will experience re infections, until China is drawn out for war, and killed.

But of this war talk, when there is the issue of masks. There are so many mask laws about having a mask on and not having one on, that is the mask below acceptable in ordinances, or just what does wearing a mask mean "outside"?
Can you wear it on your hat? Do you have to have it on 100% of the time, or does it come off in the car, so your dirty hands will contaminate it? Can you suck your thick malt as you drive or is the mask the barrier which must be worn like 666 of the Bill Gates Beast?

So which law in this pandemic do we follow? The ones which had us all terrorists a few months ago, or the new laws which say we are terror threats for spreading germs?

The United States now is an even more stupid place, where you can have a gun in your pocket in North Dakota and be lawful and have the same gun in Chicago and you are a felon. The same mask was terrorism 3 months ago, and today it is now  terrorism if you do not wear the mask.
The problem is the laws are on the books yet.

This should be satire, but it is more of the same unfunny problem. As what is going to be done with the need for thousands of masks for people, which have to be disposed of, because they are contaminated, and you know someone is going to repackage them as in Indochina, and cause more problems.

If people would make a scarf of surgical gauze and launder it each day in using it, then enjoy the experience. We have enough problems with those damned seat belt laws, because what happens now in one city, one county has this law, and you happen to cross over for a doctor or IRS appointment and get your ass nailed as you have no idea that burkaville is in your front window.

Think of the poor johns in no blow jobs and it will be hand jobs only.......but we are not having people wear gloves which is necessary, so corona semen will be all over the things you are touching.

One more thing.........

A “senior military officer” is in charge of purchasing, distributing, etc. His name is Rear Admiral John Polowczyk.  He is working 24 hours a day, and is highly respected by everyone.  If you remember, my team gave you this information, but for public relations purposes, you choose to ignore it.

It should be noted that some poor orphan girl suggested early thee above solution for this pandemic.  The President is a strong leader who is proving to have zero ego, in he accepts sound advice and implements it for the good of the People.

He has responded swiftly and has surpassed Woodrow Wilson and  Franklin Roosevelt in  two world wars. His only delays were Obama holdovers causing problems of having to deal with armchair pandemic experts who want their mask stocks to rise in getting their share of the 2 trillion spent on Coronavirus.

Nuff Said
