Monday, May 18, 2020

Master Hygiene is a Master Race in Coronavirus

Ja Ja Frau Richter, they are not masterfully clean like German Women....


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was yacking with one of our local delivery guys at the end of April, so you know when this was typed, and the subject was Coronavirus and one of the locals who had the COOF, In rural areas, everyone knows everything, mostly before the person knows it, and I got some fill in information on this woman, as I did know her as the mother used to work with her at school.

The story was interesting as she was one of the first cases when this plumed in the United States. What caught my attention was this woman had been in Las Vegas. That is interesting as my brother has a friend that I want to rub his head for good fortune, as that bastard was on a cruise after the coof broke out, and then he went to Vegas to party for a week, and he never even got sick.

I will fill in the blanks in this, that Tom, is his name, has money, so he went on a clean cruise ship, and when he went to Vegas he stayed at a clean resort..........while the woman I am going to be sharing with is poorer, and so of course stayed in some whore hotel. In other words, dirty cargo passenger and dirty hotels and dirty food.

It was what the delivery guy said though that brought about my pandemic lecture, which was based upon his statement of,' That woman came home from Las Vegas, and I guess she wasn't feeling too good, but the thing I don't understand is, no one else in the house got infected".

My lecture was short in, I stated, "It is spread by eating shit".

I know I'm right on this. I know this, because the first coofers I saw in Minnesota were people who self isolated at home, stayed in separate bedrooms and had separate shitters, as the CDC was mandating that, and their virus did not spread. Granted there are the S and L strains of Corona at the time, but the fact is, these people ingested human excrement or shit, and it is how they got sick.

I am not stating that if you get ejaculated into, get coofed on, get cried on, get snotted on, get sweat on, that you can not catch the shit strain, as fluid is blood fluid. What I am stating is what the CDC was mandating on washing hands, and the fact that wearing masks does nothing, but contain the coof of those who have it. Wearing a mask, unless you are in an enclosed pandemic room with the sick, is not going to do anything of value, because these original viruses were surface oriented. You have Ling Luc with the shits, preparing your ship cruise meal, and he shits, wipes his ass, serves your food, and you get Coronavirus.
Same way with Pepe. Pepe gets the shits, rubs his ass, and opens doors, shopping carts and hands cash over to the clerk and you get Coronavirus.

This woman went home, and was normal Germanic clean as Saxons are to be phobic. I was screamed at for years by women in the following:

Do not touch your hair and then touch food.
Wash your hands even if you think about anything near your genitals.
Wash your hands if you are in a sterile environment as you are a dirty sinner and no doubt have just gotten dirty sitting there.
Do not lick your fingers or anything else as you are a condemned sinner.
Do not ever use other people's cups, plates or silverware as they are filthy sinners.
You will get leprosy if you use someone elses towel.
Every toilet seat on the planet will kill you with VD.
You will set off a pandemic of epic shits if you leave food sit out.
You will set off a pandemic of epic shits if you lick a spoon and put it back into the pot.

Those are the Lutheran things of certain death and if you violated them, you were chased around with certain death by the women. There were other things, but by that time you were so phobic and washing your hands that John the Baptist no longer need to baptize you.

If you look at the cases, you will see people who took care of L strain people and even S strain people, in the same home, and they never got sick, if they were CLEAN.

Look there are some people who are always rock picking, and by that I mean always scratching their cunt or ass. They never discipline themselves and do it as a hobby. You  get the shit strain of Coronavirus, and those are the spreaders to others, especially in close contact. Germanic women do not stick their fingers below their wastes, except in only functional purposes in tampons and toilet paper. And after this, they wash like the Noah deluge. The tribes that are spreading this virus in community are dirty people, literally as the delivery guy said, Dirty fucking people.

Now there are other strains, the Jews, Japanese, Saudi's have strains which are contagious, but they are not dying from it......lesser strain, and strains which are probably not shit oriented, as the Saudi's you could eat off their bodies in they wash by the hour. But the shit strain virus, stops when you stop eating shit. Mexicans are filthy so they eat shit and spread it, just like the Chinese and Italians. If you eat their shit, you will get this. If you wash your things and yourself,  then like the German woman I was studying, the virus does not spread, as it is in feces not the air.

These are thinking viruses in Coronavirus. Not all of them act the same and not all of them activate the same symptoms as they are different viruses. What I'm pointing out in this is, the above proves this blog was right in diagnosis, in the L strain was shit smear spread and it was dirty people spreading it, many times to old people who could not care for themselves, so the shit was being ingested in Veterans homes.

Some strains are mucous spread and some are direct spread. From the way our cat acted, I know someone was in this house hosing things down and exposed me again to a few more strains, because the first strain I was given in November as numbers of Americans were (the driver was telling me the same story of people getting something last year and being sick like I was. I had wondered what was going on, as I expected to hear numbers of people being sick, but few were, because this was orally spread in a firewall.) the inoculation for the original Wuhan vat batch the Chinese were going to spread in America, via water supply, so it would not spread to them when they invaded.

When the virus was switched out with L strain, the S strain which is the inoculate was spread too. S strain is contagious, kills about 10 to 15% of the people and has lasting effects, but one is not death, a new inoculate was needed, and that is the follow up forms I was administered by caring officials. Lots of side effects, one of which is a cat which attacks me as she hates officials in hazmat suits hosing the house down and spraying her.

The government is trying to get people infected in additional waves to burn this biological weapon out. There is not a herd immunity. There is just a reality that the virus is killing off the Darwins and the people who the virus likes, and once society is rid of a few hundred thousand of those types, then the hosts are no longer available to contract.

This is a managed pandemic, where the government wants 80% of the population infected and recovered, as vaccine makers want money and anal retentiveness want to press this for card carrying Marxist stuff of not being able to go anywhere unless you are certified. They shut down the borders under W Bush so you could not leave, and now they want you to have travel papers here if you are an American............a foreigner, you can go where you damn please.

This though is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

I was not gassing the Jew, I was gassing the lice which carried the Typhus.

