I have come to Minnesota to speak liberty to the captives and declare
that liberalism is a disease like the Corona plague.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Pence Says White House Will Not Tolerate Social Media Censorship of Conservatives
The Vice President did not provide details regarding what form the Trump administration’s opposition might take, but the Wall Street Journal reported over the weekend, anonymously citing “people familiar with the matter,” that the White House was mulling the creation of a commission that would evaluate claims of anti-conservative bias.
Ah Mr. Vice President, this is the Lame Cherry. Google has blocked searches for this blog. Facebook has my account in limbo reviewing it yet..........and your Jared Kushner leaked to Conservative Treehouse, tried to blackball me in 2016 to control the entire Conservative narrative.
It is a fact that you have done nothing but tolerate social media, internet NSA backed and funded platforms in censoring this Conservative Christian blog.
You seem to have forgotten about the forgotten man, and in this case the poor orphan girl who put you and Mr. Trump into the White House by writing the time line to make you Vice President and Mr. Trump, President.
Yes God works miracles Mr. Pence, so how about you doing something miraculous and showing how much you appreciate your elevation to power due to the Lord working on this blog, as you certainly gave the store away to Katie Walsh and her semen donor, along with the rest of your cash cows.
Nuff Said