As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In studying this Coronavirus biological weapon, I have been puzzled by it's numbers. This entity does not behave as it should. It should have a data curve of rising in infection rate due to incubation, and once it infects a community it should fall off rapidly, like an inverted U. Instead this entity beats like an EKG heart pulse as if it were alive. All the while it pulses, it instead across the world, produces something that looks like this.
The numbers would run something like 50 infections, then hundreds, then thousands, then a drop off to 1500, then 1000, after peaks and valleys, and then it produces a protracted leveling of 500 cases.
What I believe the data concludes is something I came across in the Soviet Union, which had an anthrax weapon's lab, which blew up. The spores blew on a city, and instead of wiping out the people, it instead killed, but the weakest first. As the stronger were worn down from winter, these spores then infected more waves of people. It came to a point, 3 months out from the orginal exposure that cases were still appearing.
Rabies which is an RNA virus like Corona, has a latent ability too. No matter what the experts state now, the experts once noted that rabies hibernationed in skunk fat cells. When under stress from over population or drought, the skunks used up fat cells and the rabies virus would appear.
This Lame Cherry firmly believes this is what is behind areas where hot zones appear, as Sioux Falls South Dakota burned from one dirty Mexican, to over 3000 cases, with a high death rate in these foreigners. Like Italy, once the virus burned hot, it kept infecting and killing, even under quarrantine, which is near impossible under isolation, as even infected people spreading diarrhea shit over everything, can not infect the entire community to outlier positions.
The answer is, that this virus is orally ingetsed, and in most people it infects in 5 days to 2 weeks. There is another group though which infects in waves of succeeding weeks. I believe this is why tracking was stopped, as the experts knew this virus was latent like Lyme Disease, another biological weapon, which lays dormant too in the body and will not show up in testing.
I firmly believe this virus burrows into protein extensions in the human body and does not begin replication until a stress level is reached. Hidden in this entity is a trigger and I conclude it is PH levels in the body, and once it notes the right acidic stress level is in the body, it begins infecting in mass. This is why Chloroquine works on this virus with zinc, in Chloroquine changes the PH level in the cells to a base, and absorbs zinc into the red blood cells, which kills this virus.
I know that there will not be any donations from the rich over this, nor any Nobel Prizes, not even a Prez Medal from Prez Don, but this is what the data points to. Coronavirus is latent in some humans for weeks to months and then becomes active.
This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti mater.
Nuff Said