Sunday, May 17, 2020

Setting the Pandemic Record Straight

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have problems with President Donald Trump, as in the Farm Bill, no one has exposed that this bill DOES NOTHING FOR AMERICAN FARMERS, even the millionaires, in this pandemic bailout, as all it does is make up for production costs lost in low sales of meats and grains.

Who owns the meat industry? China owns US Smithfield hog farms, so the coming farm bail out is going to be bailing out Chinese communists, who spread this virus pandemic. This will bail out foreign and corporate farms dumping grain onto the market.
When I asked about skyrocketing feed costs for small producers like myself? My Senator gave me a form letter as I am not important in my costs due to speculation in feeding animals. This farm subsidy is more bullshit by Sonny Purdue, and either the President is ignorant and has no Christian to point things out to him, or he is only interested in helping agribusiness, and that includes Chicom pig slaughter houses.

I do not intend this post as a challenge to Donald Trump. His response was hindered by Obama holdovers, but at the current wave he is spreading the virus again for national purposes, using idiots on the right in churches and bars whining about their rights, which the courts suddenly have found, as you can not have guns for any reason, but leftist judges are telling people they can have deadly plague and go to church and bars. Yes they are infecting people on the right.

I have a problem and will continue to address the Mark of Trump, in Homeland and the military injecting proteins into people in forced vaccines, where people either starve or get the needle. Nothing has been stated about the investments the United States made in big pharm, and what we get on the return in this, either. That is our money, and we should get the money back, plus the profits which are billions of doses, several of which I will not be getting.

Donald Trump though has produced a good response to Coronavirus. in August of last year a drill called Crimson Contagion was practiced to assess the problems with the 79 page planner that Obama left as the guideline to America in how to deal with the plague.
Yes Obama depleted the stocks in SARS which is something he never responded to, in letting Mexicans die, infect Americans, and American children drown in their own lung fluids, because only this blog discovered that patients were so lethargic that they would not move, and developed pneumonia in hours. Thousands of Americans could have been saved from the Obama Flu, if Obama had actually had a response which noted that people had to be awakened and turned every two hours, as is standard in lung injuries or operations in hospitals.

McEnany also pointed to a large scale outbreak response simulation, which was carried out by the Trump administration in 2019.
“From August 13th to the 16th, the Trump administration conducted the Crimson Contagion 2019 functional exercise,” she said. “This was a pandemic stimulation to test the nation’s ability to respond to a large scale outbreak.
According to the press secretary, the current administration was then able to identify errors inherent to the Obama playbook. Despite these omissions, the previous administration’s playbook has been much touted by left-wing voices, who claimed it was a comprehensive plan that ought to have been followed in response to the emergence of COVID-19.
“This exercise expounded upon, exposed rather, the shortcomings in legacy planning documents, which informed President Trump’s coronavirus response beginning as early as January,” stated McEnany. “Those legacy planning document shortcomings were, in fact, the papers that I just handed over, that were provided to us by the Obama-Biden administration.”
McEnany concluded by saying the president’s pre-pandemic planning far outpaced the efforts of the previous administration.

Americans and the world need to be reminded what this Goddamned Birther Obama did for 8 years.

Obama bowed allot.
Obama apologized allot for America.
Obama said America was not special.
Obama ruled by executive order.
Obama sold American uranium to China.
Obama had Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder and Beynoce concerts every weekend.
Obama had the police state terrorizing Americans through the IRS, BLM and FBI.
Finally, Obama went on vacation about every 2 weeks to be away from being on vacation.

Obama's major accomplishments were blackmailing John Roberts to keep Obamacare. Painting the White House fag rainbow. Making shit sex legal, and handing out billions to his cronies.

So when I hear Obama telling Black graduates about being left behind, Obama left more of them in the grave than any person ever has.

Obama policy, economics and hisself ruined America, and produced the world America is struggling in. He left Gulf States covered in oil sludge, he flooded out GOP States with river flooding and he had Americans murdered in Benghazi to cover up his terrorist arm sales, which Obama intended to rescue Americans out of for his 2012 election, if they had survived.

All Birther Hussein's image is doing now, is trying to get veg head Biden the nomination so his shemale woman, Michelle, will oust Hillary Clinton from being Vice President.

America can not survive more of this Birther.
