Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Gift of Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the majority of people are afraid of getting the coof, and liberals are advocating spreading the coof to the President and his supporters, I think we should all look on the plus side of this, and make a top ten list of people we would want the Coronavirus to take up residence in.

I think there should be rules, as the devil is in the details. Like that horrid relative of mine who screwed us over and will not sell us the place. He would be a prime candidate, until you think, "Wow that old bastard would get the coof, shit all over the place, and I would probably have to burn the house down as the plague would be in it forever."

See, if you are wanting a place, having people coof in it, would not be something you would want in the long run. It would be much better if he like shit himself, skid across the floor, got hung up in the tv cord and fried himself.
That way the inheritors would not want to clean up the place or be in the place as burned father would not air out for sometime, and you could get it at a cheaper price as no one wants to buy a house that people blew their heads off in or died in......well except me as long as I can open the windows and air it out.

So who would be good to get Coronavirus. I could go with Adam Schiff and James Comey, but the President probably has Schiff on his list, and he wants to see Comey strung up by the balls, See if you got really mean bastards, you would want them to suffer in a testicle lynching, and let them howl for days.

Not it would seem the Coronavirus coofer would be a special kind of prick, that would bring devastating financial results to the family, who no doubt would be pricks too. Like Megan McCain. She has to have a mansion, but as her siblings are all rich, I doubt they would care if she had wall to wall diarrhea. She is fat though, so maybe if she like passed out on her husband, and had him pinned down for a week, where he would have to decide to just die or gnaw his way through Megan, that might be a coofer with benefits, as think of all the people that John McCain and that family has made suffer and we still are suffering as they screwed up in not taking Obamcare off the books.

The thing is God has done good for me in most cases. Like that smart ass Wheels, who was being a prick to everyone, and just as he was to retire, he had a stroke, now is in a wheelchair and moved to Florida, where the coof pandemic is going full tilt in geezerland. See that is better than Coronavirus as he sits in his chair daily waiting to eat some shit and get the virus and die a horrid end.

It is like that prick who flipped me the bird. Disrupted his wife's life and moved them to a pandemic hot zone. God is really good in sticking it to my enemies. Granted I would like to be drinking beer with their money, but all the same, God is doing a great job in putting my enemies in Corona Coof Zones where their lives all suck shit.

So I really do not need Coronavirus on my enemies I guess, even if I think and have prayed for some people to get this and die, as they are really horrid people who have destroyed numbers of peoples lives. Not that I have prayed about fat Megan, as I really never think about her, unless she is woofing about something, like lusting to vote for rapist Joe Biden I suppose old Joe is the only one who is senile enough now to stick his fingers down Megs hemline as that thing would be the wallflower even in a lezbo prison.

I am sure if I put my mind to it, that I could think of people I would want to get the coof. Not though like Chuck Schumer as I really like that conservative. He is just fun to have around. Best politician in America. I only would want to trade him in for the troll fakes the GOP has.

The thing is the coof is like, you would use it, and then like the magic genie, you would want a good pizza, and then think, "Why did I waste a wish on the pizza?" It is easy to say the View should get the coof, but are four disgusting plumpers worth a place on your list? I mean they are all auditioning for stroke or cancer, so why waste the coof when something else is going to get them?

It does get old in the Jews trying to give the President the coof. First it was AIPAC, then CPAC, then Oz coofing at Ivanka, and now both Pence and Trump have coofers. That is not by accident. That is deep state shit going on in shit smears on the toothbrush to have things like that happening.
Is something the Secret Service should be investigating as this constant "accidental exposure" of the President and now Vice President, while Nancy Pelosi bathes in Chinatown shit man choo, tells everyone that someone is infecting people close to the President, the way the British gave George Washington and anthrax blanket.

Anyway I am still working on my list, and I hope the Secret Service is working on their list too as you just know the NSA had recordings of those who have been sticking their fingers in hospital poo, and then rushing over to smear it on the toothbrushes of people they claim to have just stopped by to use the shitter.

You know though, in these times, if people get caught spreading this Coronavirus deliberately, they should get a shit lipped cocktail, and then be left to die of Coronavirus, as the punishment should fit the crime.

Gotta slide.
