Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Mind of President Trump

They were dirty traitors as dirty as the Coronavirus plague


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you want to understand what is taking place behind the scenes in the coup crimes, Sharyl Attkisson of the DIA, interviewed President Trump, and honestly, there is no better reference than the President to explain what the focus is, and who the Counter Trump operatives were.

The focus of this is the work that Obama tried to stop General Michael Flynn from dismantling the crooked cops of the deep state.

President Trump: I did. Because they didn't do their job. They didn’t do their job. Dan Coats should have never let that happen. Dan Coats sat there for two years, didn't do his job. He then had a replacement. There was a nice gentleman from the military, but he was only there for a short period of time. But I'm so disappointed that Dan Coats didn't do his job. Jeff Sessions was a disaster as attorney general. Should have never been attorney general, was not qualified. He's not mentally qualified to be attorney general. He was the biggest problem. I mean, look Jeff Sessions put people in place that were a disaster. They took over. They've always had the Department of Justice, but they kept it under Jeff Sessions. And the whole thing, the Russian thing is a total hoax. Think of it. They spent 40, 45 million dollars investigating. We took two and a half years. They found nothing. No collusion. Friend of mine called a very smart, great businessman. He said, you must be the most honest person in the world. You went through years and years. They interviewed people that I haven't seen in many years, millions of phone calls, not one to Russia. Look, some of the people. And I say this, I say it proudly. I came to Washington. I was only here 17 times in my whole life. I came, the 18th time, I was President of the United States. I had a great life. I did really well. A lot of good things that happened. Now what's happened, but I didn't know people in Washington and whether it's Sessions, which was a mistake or Dan Coats was a big mistake, but Sessions was a big one. Coats, he sat there. He didn't do anything. When you look at what Richard Grenell has done in eight weeks, these people didn't do anything for two and a half years. They should have been exposing this. So I'm very disappointed in certain people. And some people have done a phenomenal job, but what am I doing? I'm fighting the deep state. I'm fighting the swamp. And I said I was doing it. And I'm exposing the swamp. I think if it keeps going the way I'm going, and Ratcliffe is fantastic. If it keeps going the way it's going, I have a chance to break the deep state. It's a vicious group of people. It's very bad for our country. And that's never happened before. You happen to be a victim of the deep state. I hate to tell you, whether you know it or not, but they've treated you horribly over the years. And so have they treated many other people. They never thought I was going to win, and then I won. And then they tried to get me out. That was the insurance policy. She's going to win, but just in case she doesn't win we have an insurance policy. And now I beat them on the insurance policy, and now they're being exposed. Comey is a dirty cop, McCabe, bad guy. These are all bad guys. Lisa Page and Strzok. These are the two lovers, right? And they use public servers. They put it out public, because they didn't want anybody to see, like spouses, et cetera, to see that they were having an affair. And because they did that, they got caught. Tremendous things have happened. They forged documents. We caught them. They had people that had forged documents. I would like to see it move much faster. I'll be honest with you. To me, I don't need any more information. I know, and I purposely stayed out of it. Other than I appoint people. I purposely stayed out of it. But I'll tell you what, what they've done, if this were president Obama, if this were a Democrat instead of a Republican, people would have been in jail for two years, many people would have been in jail for two years already with a 50 year term. Okay? 50 years, but we caught them. Now, hopefully Bill Barr is going to do something about it. And you know what? Other things are going to come out too. And a lot of other things are going to come out, but you don't even need other things. What they've done is so corrupt, they've tried to take down a duly elected president of the United States, happens to be in this case, me, but we can never allow it to happen again.

President Trump: No, I'm not doing. All I'm doing is exposing corruption. In their case, there was no corruption. They found nothing. They came, hey, Mueller and Andrew Weissmann and all these terrible people, okay. Mueller lied to Congress. He said he didn't interview for the FBI job. He did. And we have that down definitely. Mueller lied to Congress, even Mueller, Comey lied to Congress. Strzok, Page, all of these people at a minimum. Now General Flynn, the FBI said, didn't lie. And Mueller said he did lie. And he went through hell. They ruined him. They ruined other people, good people. And we're going to be helping a lot of good people. They've been destroyed, and they didn't do anything wrong. The difference is we caught them. These are corrupt people. And I want to take my hat off to Ron Johnson. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. The job he's doing is incredible. Hopefully now Lindsey is kicked into gear with Judiciary because I see that a lot of subpoenas out. So it's a much different thing. We caught them in a very corrupt, you could call it treasonous, because it is, it's treasonous. We caught them in a very corrupt act. They're dirty cops and we caught them.

The names named are Dan Coates and Jeff Sessions, who worked for Bush Obama Clinton. Those named as traitors are James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissman.

Senators Ron Johnson and Lindsey Graham are now at the forefront in driving this forward for the public to learn what took place.

The President is not reaching this at this point to where it will go, John Brennan, James Clapper, Susan Rice, Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden. Those are the realities of this, but it fits with Attorney General William Barr's statement that this will not touch the 2020 democrat presidential election.

If Donald Trump is re elected, as it appears he will be, it would seem that Ivanka would be running on a ticket in 2024, which would focus on Comeym McCabe, Strzok and Page, testifying to save themselves against Brennan and Clapper, who will in turn testify for the indictments of Susan Rice and Barack Hussein Obama.

Sharyl Attkisson was targeted by Obama, because she was DIA as General Michael Flynn was.

Nuff Said
