Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Propaganda Against Hydrosychloroquine

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not have time in my condition to be doing the long explanation, but Remdesivir is now being pushed as the treatment for Coronavirus Wuhan and while Politico is pushing hate crimes against Americans for not accepting this as the cure of the plague, the Lame Cherry explained why this queer HIV drug was not the answer.

Coronavirus gets a promising drug. MAGA world isn’t buying it.

Remdesivir’s connection to a pharmaceutical company also taps into suspicions on the right that corporate executives are trying to rake in huge profits from the coronavirus. Hydroxychloroquine, on the other hand, is already widely available in generic form.

In the early "throw anything at this plague" Remdesivir was used, but you have to understand what this queer drug is. Coronavirus is a biological weapon. It has HIV in it, so it suppresses the immune system. Remdesivir suppresses the ability of Coronavirus Wuhan to infect certain cells and thereby reproduce. It has worked as in an early case in Washington state, but the SYMPTOMS REMAINED. It allowed the patient to recover and not get worse due to viral spread, but the patient was getting well on their own. It simply suppresses the HIV infection of Coronavirus to an extent. It was not a cure nor was it a treatment, and was abandoned by China and other nations as not effective. It is now though as an expensive big pharm drug being pushed as a treatment, but all it does to an extent is inhibit Coronavirus and that is not what people need when they are sick.

Medical Misinformation, Part 1: Hydroxychloroquine

Sorry, but the name of the researcher, something like Mikovits discovered that Coronavirus sets off other vaccine viruses in the human body. She has stated she is confident she could make a "vaccine" which was interferon based which would work. That vaccine which is not about dead Coronavirus or antibodies, which is made from human white blood cell proteins, I would be open to, as Dr. Mikovits has proven right on other subjects in this Coronavirus.

That is where this wraps up and this is an honest examination and explanation of what is taking place. This queer drug was abandoned and now it is being pushed again by those who want this pandemic spread.
I simply do not want to glow like queers glowed in skin sheen when taking these HIV drugs. I want to get rid of this plague virus, not coof it around.

All remdisivir does is slow the virus down in people who are going to fight off the infection anyway.

Nuff Said
