I am going to internal review this until I review this so hard that it is reviewed like it really got internally reviewed.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is completely reassuring to know that the Robert Mueller and James Comey protege and colleague is after four years of stonewalling Congress over information on framing Americans in the coup against Donald Trump, has announced he has ordered and internal review of the framing of Michael Flynn by the FBI.
Business Insider
FBI Director Christopher Wray on Friday ordered an internal investigation into the bureau's handling of the Michael Flynn case, just two weeks after the Justice Department declared that it was dropping the case against him and that federal investigators had no standing to interview the general in early 2017.
Wray "today ordered the Bureau’s Inspection Division to conduct an after-action review of the Michael Flynn investigation," the FBI announced on Friday.
The Inspection Division essentially functions similarly to an internal affairs office found in lower law enforcement agencies.
There is no one like my FBI Inspection Division and that is why I always turn to them.
The Inspection Division — FBI
The Inspection Division makes sure the FBI works within all of the set parameters in a transparent, fair and impartial process. Section Chief Tracy Paige says holding ourselves accountable is who ...
I'm going to internal review this with a stack of papers this high!!!
Ah this the 37th message I have left, could someone get back to me, as this is Director Wray, spelled W R A........
I believe in a hands on internal reviews like a prostrate exam at a gay bath house.....
I don't know why you keep calling here as we are FBI, Future Business Initiatives.....
On page X, “According to FBI staff, as the interagency editing process for the ICA progressed, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) expressed concern about the lack of vetting for the Steele election reporting and asserted it did not merit inclusion in the body of the report. An FBI Intel Section Chief told us the CIA viewed it as an “internet rumor.”
They knew it was unverifiable and only corroborated very minimally. They put it in despite that and added a summary. Then Brennan denied its importance
Do you think I should be like Gay Edgar Hoover blackmailing everyone or Messiah Jesus Comey in condeming them to hell, as I like the Christ part of Christopher, and maybe the Gay Wray part too.....
Hell will freeze over before the FBI brings anyone to charges in any of this coup.