Tuesday, June 30, 2020

HAARP is Generating a Cyclone

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The other day I put up a link on winds from the Rense site, and I never thought that the information I came across would bear fruit this quickly.

In the winds, I was interested in what HAARP was doing in screwing up the weather in America. See America should be in a vast drought of building 100 plus degree heat from the Mississippi Valley west, akin to the weather of 1988 which destroyed the heartland.

Instead the record heat has been contained to the southwest, save Nebraska which has been running 90 degree temperatures for the past 2 months. None of that is good for crop production as much as plagues are not good for the world.

There has been in the winds aloft a huge U shape from England, over the Atlantic, down to the Gulf of America, and up to Texas to the Hudson's bay. The center of the United States should be humid and wet with a pattern like this, but it is not. Instead the crops are withering in this blocking pattern to keep the scorching Arizona air contained.

The air over the Eastern US is dead. Tehre is though a wisp of an air flow from the Arctic down into the Utah basin. I have been watching this as moisture has been generating in this region, and it began breaking out in small severe storms over the Northern Plains.

It was today though, Monday, June 29th which almost dropped me out of the chair, as I have been monitoring the area, and noting that rain is predicted for almost a week over the dying region of the Plains. Remember this was predicted a few days ago. so they knew this was going to happen. The "what" is going to happen is what almost knocked me out of my chair. There is a Lo Pressure spin starting over Idaho.
THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN UNDER HAARP. HAARP produces atmospheric rips and tears. Things that just explode out of nowhere. There are not ever gentle patterns, of sweeping fronts, but blobs, tears, and things that just explode.

I was pleased when the hurricane plunged into America from the Gulf, as it spread into almost Illinois in the same circular rotation, and while it is rare these storms move into the interior, the fact is this storm produced no rain where it was needed on the plains.

I had assumed that part of this plague was to ruin these rich farmers by burning their crops up, but this HAARP cyclone and that is what this is, a hurricane on land, is about to start dumping a June's worth or rain in July on middle America.

If these farmers are ruined by drought, the President already gave them 19 billion dollars in a bail out, so another bail out will take place in 85% of their crop's worth. If though these already fried crops get a drink, they will grow a dismal crop, and the government will not have to pay. They will lose money and their asses, and prepare the bankruptcy of more farmland to be overtaken by robotic farming.

By the evidence of this cyclone, HAARP can create pretty weather patterns which would make America an Eden, in which it would be warm in winter, snow on Christmas and April lowers in March, with balmy warmth all summer into November. No blizzards, no tornadoes and no hurricanes which would not be out of control.

Looks like the northern tier is going to get some moisture and mosquitoes as you can not have this kind of damp fairy piss days with deluges and not grow those critters. It will be interesting if they are going to put up a big blow and wipe out some rural towns or if this will just be a mosquito grower.

HAARP though would not be rescuing sodbuster millionaires without a reason to bankrupt them or to raise some more hell in wiping out Protestant America.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
