Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Joe Biden Already 25th Amendment

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Fortunately with the plague and with race riots, both coming from Barack Hussein Obama, in Obama built the weapon's lab in Wuhan China, and Obama is the one who funded ANTIFA to go out and terrorize people in power, as Obama gave Floyd George's good job to Mexicans and Indians, there is Joe Biden for comic relief.

What amazes me about Joe Biden, since his brain blew up, that no one really figured out this guy has been a half wit for decades and senile for years. From sniffing children to saying incest in his family was loving, Biden has engaged in behavior which lands 10 out of 10 people visits from Child Safety Services.

Some of the Biden is vintage Joe with senile Joe.

Vintage Joe loves banning guns, some guns, as in his mind which has never fired an AR 15 in his life, Joe thinks this:

AR-15s because “they’re harder to use” and “harder to aim” and “you don’t need 30 rounds to protect yourself.”

I guess that is why the US military, NATO and all of American allies have their Soldiers armed with these rifles, because they are hard to use, hard to aim and Soldiers do not need large clips to protect themselves or America with.
For those who are ignorant, a military weapon has the same trigger, the same safety, same sights and same action as civilian firearms, so they are not harder to use or aim. There reason large round clips are used, is so Soldiers do not have empty guns or are wondering about if they have ammo in their gun, which gets them shot by the enemy.

None of that matters, as Joe Biden has a "good" gun, which he owns, in being anti gun, in Joe likes double barrel shotguns and has instructed his wife Jill, that if she hears anything outside her window, like Blacks holding a vigil for Floyd George, to just open up on them with both barrels.

If you want to protect yourself, get a double-barreled shotgun,” said the then-vice president, adding that he tells his wife Jill, “if there’s ever a problem just walk out on the balcony here … put that double-barreled shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house.”
Right.  Because that’s exactly what one wants to accomplish in a self-defense situation.  Emptying their gun, giving away their position, and engaging their neighbors with potentially deadly force as opposed to the armed rapist, looter, or spree killer lurking in the bushes. 

Joe apparently is unaware that shotguns have huge muzzle flashes which blind people shooting them in the dark. Always a good thing to be blind, in the dark with an empty gun.

This advice of vintage Biden now has senile Biden offering up the Lone Ranger Shooting of unarmed people.

The fact is, 100% of the law enforcement in America can't hit the broad side of a barn. They employ SPRAY AND PRAY, which means they empty their guns in the direction of a person and hope they hit them, and too bad if they put a bullet in some kid riding their bicycle as that is what is the tactic.

Senile Joe though thinks all cops can shoot like the Lone Ranger or Walker Texas Ranger, that with a pistol at 5000 miles, from outer space, they can shoot the gun hand of an armed robber and end a fight.

Biden has some knowledge problems though in he does not think a knife is a weapon either, but this is about shooting unarmed rioters I suppose which Obama deployed, so instead of Derek Chavuin taking a knee on George Floyd's neck, Biden's Law says Chauvin should have just gunned George down.....not in the heart, but as all cops can shoot from the moon and hit a target on earth, Joe Biden says the cops need to shoot a leg out of George Floyd, while he is moving, in a mass of other people, and that is the correct Biden Law Enforcement technique.

I will admit that I find Joe Biden amusing, as long as he is nowhere near elected office or a position where our lives are at stake. I know I should be more compassionate in not laughing at the tard named Biden, but this senile old man, says things daily which are ridiculous.

I mean, what happens of Joe Biden saw that Chinese film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon with people running up walls or Kung Fu in David Caine deflecting bullets with a knife, is Biden going to disarm the Secret Service and tell them they don't need all that fancy stuff, as they can just run up a wall to catch a bad guy or if the bad guy shoots, they can just snap their suspenders and deflect bullets.

Elections do mean things, just as Obama proved how deadly it was for people in Benghazi or under drones. Joe Biden is amusing as a candidate, but this senile old man has no idea what reality it.
Is Joe Biden as President, when the Chinese launch a first nuclear strike, going to call up William Shatner and order Captain Kirk to fire his phasers at Peking at 3 AM in the morning? Biden has shown time and again he no longer processes information and is that 80 plus year old geezer, who should be sitting in a rocker, yelling at the neighbor kids for staying out all night when it is 8 PM.

Reality has left the building with Joe Biden. The man is senile, and in the tragic time of Ronald Reagan, from the onset of his experience after a blow the head from being bucked off a horse, it was not 4 years, before he did not recognize people he worked with. America can not have a President who is already 25 Amendment.

Democrats have to fix this, and by fixing this, it does not mean putting the drunken mush brain of Hillary Clinton. There has to be an age limit of below 60 years old as replacing Biden with another mummy is not solving anything, but the problem with the Kamala Harris group is the narcotics have them with about as much reasoning as Joe Biden exhibits now.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
