Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Genocide of the Holler Folk

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Here am I, probably in the future, write a review of a television series called Justified, as it was well written, but even more incredibly cast, in there were only about 5 major problems in casting by Cami

This though is not about any of that. What this is about is the story east Kentucky, the holler folk, the people of the coal mines, and how the ignorant wet off the boat writers never saw that the people they were exploiting for television, were facing genocide because they voted for Barack Hussein Obama.

Justified is about two men, both who dug coal. One became a legendary outlaw and the other became a legendary lawman behind a badge, and how both beat up, robbed, intimidated and murdered people, but one was legal and the other illegal.

Walton Goggins was incredible as the man who used white supremacy and crime to fund his objectives, while being neither. The fact is that Hollywood cheated Mr. Goggins out of many awards, because Hollywood could not reward an actor portraying what they hate. That is the crime of Hollywood against an innocent man, who was nothing of the character he portrayed.

Genocide began against Americans in east Kentucky. The Indians, namely the "civilized tribes" and the Iroquois Confederation by English and French instigation first began enticing Indians, including the Cherokee, who have their trail of tears, to obliterate Americans in the Ohio and Kentucky region, which Daniel Boone would open up to full exploration.
The Cherokee made an infamous raid into the Ohio, and were caught by Kentucky Rangers, men who road horse, carried parch corn, a blanket and a rifle, and carried the terror war to the Indian settlements within days. It was Kentuckians who taught the Indians to repent and drove them to ground, otherwise these Indians were rapists, kidnappers, cannibals, slave holders and murderers. That is the real history of Indians meeting Irish and Scot Methodist Protestants as they came into the unsettled Ohio region.

Another wave of genocide would be unleashed by Abraham Lincoln against east Kentucky in the Civil War.
After the war, General George Armstrong Custer and the Cavalry were stationed in Kentucky in occupation to keep the peace, and to begin the next phase of what would evolve in the genocide of east Kentucky.

East Kentucky has nothing but hollows in the hills. Farmland is short on measure and the bluegrass is in the west, closer to Ilinois. That is where the "civilized" folk live as east Kentucky is looked down upon by all.
What they could raise though was corn and rye, and from that they distilled moonshine for sale. The problem was the federal government protected the major distillers and demanded a tax and license on these poor people, who simply were not going to pay. The term Revenuers is from this genocide in federal agents smashing stills for powered interests and demanding money the people did not have, created another war in Kentucky which was most robust in the Prohibition period of 1920 to 1933, when the Kennedy's smuggling Canadian whiskey into America like other mafia types made their fortunes in the Dirty 30's, another genocide brought upon America by Franklin Roosevelt who had farmers working fence row to fence row in production to make profits in feeding World War I starving Europeans, set up by another democrat in Woodrow Wilson.
All that tilled soil, got dry, did not retain moisture and the dust bowl enveloped America.

East Kentucky had new problems though in coal mining companies who came in to enslave these people who could not make a living farming and distilling their grain, as the coal companies started minting their own money, paying miners for that wage at 16 ton, and forcing them to buy at the company store at inflated prices.
Abraham Lincoln did not end slavery. He emancipated Blacks as weapon against poor White people, and those poor White people became the slaves of coal companies.

East Kentucky had nothing, as the steel jobs were in Ohio and Pennsylvania making the good wages, as the people there breathed the soot. East Kentucky just got the soot and the Black Lung to perish from as slaves of American industry.

Without any Grand Old Oprey chance for most people, you lived and died in the space between the mountains, unless you became enterprising for outside interests and started raising marijuana for sale in the 'dry' counties of Kentucky, as the only means to make ends meet, beyond a welfare check.

The British killed these people. The Indians killed these people. The French killed these people. The Union Army killed these people. The federal agents killed these people. The coal companies killed these people. Woodrow Wilson killed these Sgt. York backwood folk and Franklin Roosevelt killed these people in World War II,  Harry Truman killed them in Korea, as this poor non college people were killed off some more John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson in Vietnam.

It still was not enough as Barack Hussein Obama's European moneyed interests decided how to enslave the whole world with carbon tax and global warming. Bill Clinton sold the hard coal rights to Indonesia, and Kentucky suffered as Obama shut down coal for gas fired plants in the oil barons, and east Kentucky suffered again, just as Jimmy Carter shut the mines down in his ending the steel industry in the United States for Korea.

That is what stuns me in the Asian who created and wrote Justified, as Obama is mentioned and that crook Eric Holder is hanging on the wall grinning away in the Marshal's Offices, that the people who created Justified, are the ones who voted for Obama and are responsible for the misery in east Kentucky.
It has gotten little better under Donald Trump as he is not building coal fired clean plants to make energy cheap in America, as his Goldman Sachs economic rapists are not interested in providing relieve to Americans. No American coal is shipped to China, where in those trade winds out of China, the American people suck on Chinese fallout of concentrated radioactive and cancerous elements coming out of the dirty air of China.

Not one mention in Justified is of Barack Husein Obama and his crooked nation rapists who did this to East Kentucky and America, as for some reason these superior moral people of television never wanted to take responsibility for the genocide of Kentuckians.

Not one damn word from Naomi Judd or that mouse brain Taylor Swift. Kayne West speaks for Black Americans, but not one word from these two who have profited and supported the policies which have engaged genocide of these too long suffering Americans.

There are far too many East Kentucky regions in the United States, whether it is the Obama streets of Chicago, to the Standing Rock in North Dakota, to the hinterlands of Nevada ranch country. Allot is said of the Forgotten American. I have not seen any of these people who are Christian peoples remembered at all, except to steal their lands, pimp them out or enslave them, to await genocide as they are replaced by these Visa Vermin tanskins taking the heritage these Americans worked and died for being law abiding citizens.

In writing this, I really do not know if I care to review Justified and explore it, as it is so upsetting in typing this in knowing the hard times these people are facing and this blog seems to be the only one making a note of the Hollywood hypocrisy which existed in that show.

Barack Obama obliterated the American Dream of the holler people, then his voters went in and exploited them and made Walton Goggins and other Whites the problem, when that is all that was left for these people after the nation rapists obliterated their present and their futures.

None of this should have ever happened and this should not be happening in the United States.

This is the Lame Cherry in another matter anti matter exclusive.

Nuff Said
