Monday, June 29, 2020

The New Surprise of the Biological Weapon Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Remember  when the Lame Cherry informed all of you that this biological weapon, Coronavirus Wuhan given cover by WHO as Covid 19, 'as disease', that there were more surprises coming from this weapon?

The geniuses behind this weapon have really outdone themselves, and NO the Chinese are not this intelligent to have ever created a creature lie this. The newly discovered feature of this virus is that it is like the movie Alien, in it has tentacles and numbers of parts, so that the body does not recognize what this CREATURE is.

This thing is a creature, assembled of many parts, and what has been discovered is that once the 1237 protein spike jabs into a red blood cell to infect it. it replicates in a most sinister way. This virus sends out tentacles or filopodia which move the cell and attack other cells to infect them.
This system is rare in nature, and is UNKNOWN IN CORONAVIRUS EVER, thus proving this is a biological engineered weapon.
Just read on and see what else you are going to learn.

Scientists took a closer look at the effects of SARS-CoV-2 – the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 – through a powerful microscope at the National Institutes of Health laboratory in the US and the University of Freiburg in Germany.
The virus makes the infected cells sprout multi-pronged spaghetti-like ‘tentacles’ reaching out for several still-healthy cells nearby. The virus seems to use these branching structures, called filopodia, like syringes to prod other cells and inject them with a viral load, a study published in the journal Cell reports.
“There are long strings that poke holes in other cells and the virus passes through the tube from cell to cell,” Nevan Krogan, director of the Quantitative Biosciences Institute at University of California San Francisco and leader of an international group of scientists, told the Financial Times

Coronavirus is 'like' small pox, but small pox is a piker compared to this gem. The thing is in the information which I have pieced together, this virus is beyond the spirochetes which Maggie mentioned as the bacterial infection like syphilis and the biological weapon, Lyme Disease as these filopodia are almost akin to the Morgollans Disease, in the fibers or extensions created are like never endings, as that is what the filopodia are in part, in nerve cell growths.

According to scientists, the filopodia-growing method of infecting is highly unusual, because not many viruses do that. The ones that do, such as smallpox, don’t make the cells grow so many branches, and their structure is different from that of the novel coronavirus. Typically, tiny viral particles simply ‘dock’ onto larger cells and ‘hijack’ its functions.
The ‘tentacles’ show that at some point during its evolution the virus developed a new way of quickly traveling through the body, Krogan said.

As one breaks down the filopodia, one comes across how the transfer takes place in both bacteria and viral infections. The key in this is the Ehrlichia bacteria, in the source of this, a it hearkens back to Maggie and the biological weapon, Lyme Disease, and that explanation is in the following segment.

Filopodia are also used for movement of bacteria between cells, so as to evade the host immune system. The intracellular bacteria Ehrlichia are transported between cells through the host cell filopodia induced by the pathogen during initial stages of infection. Viruses were shown to be transported along filopodia toward the cell body, leading to cell infection. Directed transport of receptor-bound epidermal growth factor (EGF) along filopodia has also been described, supporting the proposed sensing function of filopodia

In research, these Ehrlichia are inside cells as cell bacteria. The common strains are found in mice. Mice in their brain tissues  are what is utilized as the medium to breed vaccine serums. Again, here is the kicker in this of which came first the egg or the chicken, or which came first cancer in humans or cancer in monkeys which vaccines were bred like polio, and for that matter HIV was from "contaminated" monkey genetics.

This link in Coronavirus is mouse, and bats do not contract this nor doe Bat SARS grow tentacles to spread to other cells in the body. This is further proof that this came from a bio weapons lab. What we do not know, is if this was just a surprise gift like iron poisoning in cells, or if this was included in a splice of the original DNA incorporation of this creature. It is pure genius though to have a virus which spread through body fluids, primarily excrement as a single 1237 protein spike, but once it gets into the body, it replicates not by normal Corona means, which is one of many reasons the body does not recognize this as an infection, but it uses tentacles which are rare in nature.
This is another cross species contamination which disproves Ann Coulter in her magic bat in mocking people on the right who know this biological weapon does not come out of a bat's ass.

The obligately intracellular bacterium Ehrlichia chaffeensis that resides in mononuclear phagocytes is the causative agent of human monocytotropic ehrlichiosis. Ehrlichia muris and Ixodes ovatus Ehrlichia (IOE) are agents of mouse models of ehrlichiosis

Study these two links in what I have highlighted. You will note that this "mouse virus" matches Maggie's Lyme disease as it is spread through tick bites, a Texas tick. It has like symptoms of high fevers as the body attempts to burn it out of the system, but in the Wiki link there is a most fascinating addition in these tickborne bacterial infections, KILL WHITE BLOOD CELLS.

There is not enough data yet to form a complete schematic of this biological weapon, but we know the principles of this in this virus has 3 phases, and the second phase after fever is a white blood cell storm, which attacks the body and then the iron poisoning occurs which kills. Perhaps one of the hidden venues of this biological weapon, is that lurking inside the tentacles is the mouse tickborne bacteria which in the last phases kills the body's immune system after it has triggered it.

You were informed months ago that things are lurking in this biological weapon which no one knew. By Inspiration this Lame Cherry provided that projection, because the geniuses who created this virus, are playing 3 dimensional chess. What seems complex to us, is their standard thought pattern of "If a bullet kills you one way, we want to be sure that the bullet kills you seven ways". This is one very complicated entity and the creators should be awarded the Nobel Prize for a dozen fields as this is a remarkably intricate  intricate thing like a Swiss watch.

I leave this at that, as once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

