Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Real Cause of George Floyd's Death

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

To get this out of the way, I dislike cops as much as criminals, they are both the same two headed coin, society is robbed and intimidated by both, and Americans do well enough policing themselves, that both are expendable.

In noting that, this Derek Chauvin and George Floyd or Floyd George are the same symbiotic entity. In examining the medical files on Floyd, and the autopsy reports, neither coroner could come to the same conclusion, except it was expedient politically and economically to find that the Negro has been murdered.

When two coroners can not agree what caused the death, that is not murder. No more than what Chauvin did was 3rd degree or any degree murder. Is Chauvin a thug, like most cops, the digital recording proves that. He though did not set out to take a knee someone to death.

Rense has had a running link on this case from Minnesota and the fact is George Floyd had a heart attack.

Why did he have a heart attack?

He had hardening of the arteries and heart disease. He was a Negro suffering from Black Man Disesae, which Julianne Malveaux from PBS hoped Clarence Thomas would die from. Black men die of heart disease young. That is what George Floyd did.

He complicated his deadly condition by being intoxicated with fentanyl and he had been taking methamphetamine or uppers. George Floyd could of just as easily died on the toilet that night, because that is how precarious his degenerated body was.

George Floyd was no saint, from doing prison time, to making porn films. That does not get you lowered to having a cop sit on you, but it is a reality that his was not St. Peter on the sidewalk. There was a reason the police were questioning him about what drugs he was high on, and that leads to the reason Derek Chauvin was pinning this very large man to the pavement, and did not have him in the car, because that large of man could do great damage in a hyped up mode, even with restraints as Rodney King proved in LA years ago.
There is also the matter that dopers who are high, get sick, and puke in police vehicles so he was cooling on the pavement until it was assessed he was not going to kill some cop, or cause a Rodney King event in not staying down or puking or defalcating in the police cruiser.

Note - The autopsy found Floyd suffered cardiopulmonary
arrest while being restrained by police and that he had
arteriosclerotic and serious hypertensive heart disease,
fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use.

Rush Limbaugh trying to appear not a racist, says he was angered over this video. I have not seen it, only the photos. Cops keep stating that this is something they would never do, yet in Minneapolis it was standard procedure. The reason Rush Limbaugh is the focus of this, is he is the one who was bitching that people who had heart attacks were being listed as dying from Coronavirus.
In Limbaugh speak, should not Derek Chauvin be innocent as George Floyd was in the process of dying, whether Chauvin's knee was on his neck or not. That is the fact in Floyd was expiring when the handcuffs were put on him, so if people can not be listed as Coronavirus deaths when they die of heart attack as they were dying anyway, then George Floyd can not be listed as being murdered, because he was dying of a heart attack, not from a cop kneeling on his neck or sitting on his back to hold him down.
Floyd was stating he could not breath, that is because he was suffering from heart failure. Black icon, Prince, died on his feet not that long ago, as a Black man again, burned out on dope. Derek Chauvin just happened like these other officers to be trying to handle a situation in which they had no idea the guy standing before them was dead already.

So legally, Derek Chauvin is overcharged. He should not be a cop as most cops should not be cops, but he did not commit 3rd degree or 1st degree murder. Chauvin and these other cops are being lynched for being around a dying Black man at the wrong time.

Legally, this is manslaughter, 3rd degree at the most and at least, simple assault. None of which would bring more than a few months in jail and a year's probation.

As I stated, I dislike the cop criminal two headed coin, but I believe in the Truth. It is just as wrong to lynch Derek Chauvin as it was to take a knee for that long on George Floyd, just as it is as wrong for Rush Limbaugh to feign outrage, when this guy was bitching for the Koch boys about poor people eating, as much as Limbaugh bitching about people counted as Corona dead, dying from a heart attack which Corona caused.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is not murder if your job is to detain a criminal, who has heart disease, has doped himself up, stressing his heart, and the guy dies as you are kneeling on him.

and as an addition, George Floyd had Coronavirus, the Coronavirus which Barack Obama built a lab for in Wuhan China is what killed pornster George Floyd.

George Floyd had coronavirus and died after cardiac arrest, police report claims

Nuff Said

