As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As the purpose of the last 1200 give away, which cheated people like me out of dependent payments, and as the last 1200 give away, ignored this blog's original dealing with putting Americans to work without increasing the debt utilizing "Work Promissory Notes", the Lame Cherry once again arises to the solution, which I doubt the Goldman Sachs wing of the Trump White House will consider, but I call it the Trump Voucher.
Mnuchin Says White House ‘Seriously Considering’ Second Round Of Direct-Payment Coronavirus Relief ∞ caller
I have had it with people who are being paid over 50,000 dollars, getting money. They already have money, already have insurance, already are plugged into retirement, and already have job guarantees.
I also challenge Secretary Mnuchin to debate my solution, as his solution only brings money to the Federal Reserve owners by printing money and selling debt to the world. What the Lame Cherry advocates is the TRUMP VOUCHER.
You have heard of School Vouchers, where parents can take the money and send their kids to better schools they choose? That is the Trump Voucher, except it is in purchasing things.
Here is what the Lame Cherry advocates. If you are in the 50,000 to 150,000 category of earning, you receive a voucher for something in home, like an appliance, water heater, something which is made in America. You get an upgrade. In return, you do not get to sell what you replace, but it goes to the curb and poor people get a spare or an upgrade for their junk.
If you are under 50,000 you get a Trump Voucher, for an American manufactured vehicle, which is worth 30,000 dollars, and if you got the 12,000, you can upgrade to a 42,000 dollar vehicle.
Your junker you can keep or give away.
This is about manufactured goods, which employ Americans, and bring jobs back to America. This Trump Voucher will keep production running in the United States for 2 years.
Businesses will not be allowed to gouge, but they turn their vouchers into the US Treasury, which credits their accounts, and at 35% income tax, 1/3rd of this voucher is already paid for in the first sale.
This is highly simple, will buy volumes of GOP votes for November, and end the Obama Intifada Recession which the Coronavirus produced in America.
Once again, this is another Lame Cherry economic solution in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said.