The Political Pentagon Pansy
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
During the Obama Intifada in America, Americans witnessed how feckless the trillion dollar Pentagon political minders are, as Churches were burned down in DC, the SecDef stated that he did not know where he was going when the President led the group to St. John's presenting a stabilized leadership in the United States.
Esper would like a bobble head, hour by hour, order troops out of Washington and then troops to stay in Washington, as he disappointed the President and Americans in protecting the United States.
Joining in this,was the Army Chief of Staff, General Mark Milley, in combat fatigues, as dressing in camo apparently hides you from Black Obama terrorists, but after wearing the camo gear, Milley issued an apology stating that he should not have supported the President, the Country and Americans to show stability, as he should have retreated and let the Niggers continue to destroy themselves as a race.
I only play general at the White House, when the Niggers riot I retreat.
Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, apologized on Thursday for joining President Trump in a controversial walk to St. John’s Church in Washington, D.C., immediately after protesters were teargassed.
Milley, the top military official in the country, delivered the message as part of a prerecorded video commencement address to National Defense University.
“I should not have been there,” Milley said. “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.
“As a commissioned uniformed officer, it was a mistake that I have learned from,” added Milley, who became chairman of the Joint Chiefs in October 2019.
On June 1, after a weekend of protests following the death of George Floyd, Trump gave a brief address at the White House that coincided with live images of law enforcement attacking peaceful protesters outside the executive mansion fence. After he finished speaking, Trump made a short walk across Lafayette Square with members of his staff and Milley to St. John’s Church, which had been damaged by fire set by demonstrators.
No you fucking high paid asstard, your presence as Douglas MacArthurs during DC riots quieted the nation in assuring the public that anarchy would not prevail.
Milley though was not the only war boy featured this week or Obama Intifada, as the United States Air Force promoted a flap named General CQ Brown to lead them in the Joint Chiefs. The problem was CQ was so busy posting Facebook dirges and laments in trying to not be a Soldier, but a social justice warrior and wondering if he was woke enough and if he could woke racism enough in the Air Force.
What is this a joke, putting stupid Nigger here?
"I'm thinking about how full I am with emotion, not just for George Floyd, but the many African Americans that have suffered the same fate as George Floyd," he said in a passionate video posted on social media.
"I'm thinking about having to represent by working twice as hard to prove [that my supervisors'] perceptions and expectations of African Americans were invalid. I'm thinking about the airmen who don't have a life similar to mine, and don't have to navigate through two worlds. I'm thinking about how these airmen see racism, where they don't see it as a problem because it doesn't happen to them, or whether they're empathetic."
"I want to know what you're thinking about. "I want to hear what you're thinking about, and how together, we can make a difference."
I am certain the first flap who message the head flap something like, "You are like your entire race an 85 IQ primate who got there by Black Privilege over other races, and that is why your every superior questioned what a 130 combat hour Negroid was being advanced for, over qualified leaders, who could out fly you, in having literal combat experience", would end up in court martial as CQ is not interested in hearing the Truth of the jeopardy he has placed America in.
Now all of this might sound racist with the Nigger word used, but if you actually read what Milley, Brown and the Vincent below are stating, it is political officer speak in pure racism against Whites.
The Lame Cherry is going to take apart all of this in rebutting Lt. General Vincent Stewart, because it is not me, but James Clapper, who is giving him the "Stupid Nigger" look, like everyone else does.
If you read Vincent Stewart's lament below as Obama's DIA Director, you read his hurt feelings in being called a Nigger.
Stewart NEVER like CQ Brown, ever has the intelligence to ask, "WHY ARE PEOPLE CALLING ME A NIGGER?" It is passed off on racism, and never because THEY ARE ACTING LIKE A NIGGER.
Now what is Nigger? Stewart gives a perfect example in this Caribbean Queen like Colin Powell, states he was a salesman, who was wandering around in White neighborhoods.
The Lame Cherry asks, "What kind of reception would a Black receive in Mexican LA or Mexican Chicago? The same as Stewart received from Whites, who were wondering what in hell this coon is doing walking around where he is not supposed to be.
There are those who say he should be able to walk anywhere he pleases........yet a White person who is not "woke" has the common sense to know that if they go into East LA or Harlem, they are going to get their ass beat or murdered. A White person has sense to not go places in which danger is apparent. A Black has no sense and then complains when the Sheriff is called by the neighborhood in not wanting a Black stalking around their neighborhood, banging on their doors and waiting around.
Another damn stupid Nigger I have to think for.
I want you to imagine the pain I felt the first time someone called me a nigger. We later played on the same football team. Though we never spoke of the incident, I knew what was in his heart.
I want you to understand the pain I experienced working as a door-to-door salesman, when I was greeted by a man who said he would have shot me had I walked on his porch a month or so earlier, but didn’t, because he was now a Christian.
I want you to understand the pain of learning that your son was told by a friend that they were not allowed to play with niggers.
Why were White children telling Stewart that they could not play with Niggers? Stewart is oblivious to the data that millions of Blacks are in prison at a higher rate than any other race, from drug trade, prostitution, rape, robbery and murder. Gee, and then there is the reality that Blacks are over sexed and if you are nice to them, they think that means you want to fuck them, and they do not stop when you say NO, you get raped and the Black thinks it is not their fault.
Amazing that Caucasian parents did not want their children, to not play with Blacks, because Blacks all have dopers, criminals and those who will rape you, as their bro or cuz in degrees of separation. That though has absolutely no bearing on Stewart in the least.
I remember a PBS special long ago which featured a story from the 1950's in Tennessee or someplace, where two Niggers from a neighboring town, appeared in the host town and started talking trash to the White girls. The men of the town, told them to get the hell out of their town, the Niggers responded that they could go anywhere they wanted, and continued to threaten the White girls, to which the Whites in the town, hung the Niggers and that ended the problem.
For Vincent Stewart though his recounting of history features that White Officers who had EARNED THEIR POSITIONS, had advanced Stewart. Stewart insults them as "privileged", but getting into West Point is not a privilege, it is earned by hard work for good grades. Being advanced in the military is due to being the best over the best, because Whites have to compete 10 times as hard with all the Affirmative Action Stewarts.
Stewart though was these officer's pet negro, and he was too dense to appreciate that he got a job for "show" that a White man had earned and was washed out of the military. Stewart was too ignorant to even realize that he wrote that White officers did the work for his promotions, much like Nancy Pelosi carried all of Obama's water along with Chuck Schumer. Yes a Jew and an Italian got Obama his few successes as Obama lacked the sense to understand how to work to obtain a goal.
They sponsored me, advocated for me, and spoke up on my behalf. They did more than extend a hand to pull me up. They lifted and carried me to the top of my profession.
A White person would become nauseated at knowing they were handed something, and that as a Protestant others were displaced unfairly for their position, but Stewart records it and then blames teh White people who did the work for him, as being privileged.
I was mentored and inspired by men like Gens. Colin Powell, Cliff Stanley, and Walt Gaskin. These men broke barriers that facilitated my success. While I can’t begin to imagine their stories, I suspect they too endured many of the same hardships I faced.
But the men who had the greatest impact on my career were three white men of privilege: Lt. Gen. Bob “Rusty” Blackman, and Gens. Jim Amos and Joe Dunford. These men, all now retired, saw something in me and did more than mentor me. They sponsored me, advocated for me, and spoke up on my behalf. They did more than extend a hand to pull me up. They lifted and carried me to the top of my profession. These men were in positions that allowed them to carry me and were able to use their levers of power and influence to elevate me to the top of my profession.
The Lame Cherry with all of this Bush, Clinton and Obama political minders in the US Military, desires each of you to examine Full Retreat Milley, Woke Brown and Privilege Stewart, in what they are, in the Obama Intifada, what their focus was, and that focus was not in protecting America, but on racism which had NOTHING to do with race in George Floyd was kneed not for being a coon, but for passing Chinese bogus currency, that Blacks were laundering in Minneapolis, with the police doing the protection racket.
Out beyond the Obama Intifada in America, are real racist peoples like the Chinese who created a first strike biological weapon to unleash on America in 2020 and real racists like the Russians who are supporting Obama again to bring about an America more flexible to Russian interests.
Be aware that while these Pentagon war boys are worried about being woke, that the Russians and the PLA have one focus, and that is how to mass murder enough Americans, so that the American fag military will be driven back behind her ocean walls, and then to genocide the rest of you, in ending the United States.
The Russian military wants you dead. The Chinese military wants you dead. The American military is contemplating not supporting the President, not protecting Americans from the Obama Intifada and the thought never occurs to them in how to kill every goddamned Russian and Chinese to Ronald Reagan liberate Eurasia.
I am not exaggerating in why you are going to lose the next war. The Army is led by this half wit in retreat. The Marines are getting rid of everything to fight World War II again, the Navy sends out letters telling the world their aircraft carriers have the plague and the Air Force is led by a non combat flap.
We need Patton's, Custers, Sheridans, MacArthurs, Shermans and there are none.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said