Thursday, June 11, 2020

Truth Leads. Lies Follow.

Leds veritatis. Mendacium sequi.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What is Truth?

What is a liberal?
What is a conservative?

The closest summation is, a liberal is someone who wants to steal what you have by IRS confiscation to spend your money on things to make them feel better for their tortured conscience, while a conservative is someone who wants to steal your money by forcing you to buy things to make them rich as they have no conscience.
The world has Darwin politics in the mutations of liberals and conservatives are not the genus The United States was founded on Federalists and Republicans, one advocated an Alexander Hamilton strong central government, while the other advocated the Sovereign States. The people have been brainwashed to political movements which are immoral and amoral, so the political process is the corruption of values, as in what is valuable, not what is moral.
