Sunday, July 5, 2020

Advocating for the White Skins

I'm getting rid of all those Goddamn Injun names....
no more Paha Sapa, Black is the Noem Range as of today!!!


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that people who stew about nothing are getting another American heritage name removed in the Washington Redskins, the Lame Cherry is advocating for what I always have and that is naming them the WASHINGTON WHITE SKINS.

Here is what the new mascot and team logo will look like as no Caucasian is ever going to be bitching about this.

See, everyone agrees.

The thing is why are the New York Yankees not being made to change their racist name, as Yankee is Jahn Cheese, an English slur of German Americans?  For the sake of ending racism, the Yankees logo must end.

Mostly I just want to get in the spirit of getting rid of all of these Goddamn Indian names. I want the Dakotas gone. New Norway for North Dakota and Germania for South Dakota as those races settled there.

Minnesota is Indian, that must go it Vikingland as Swedes settled there.

Michigan is Indian, like Detroit, like lots of names, so just change Michigan to Lakeland, and Detroit to Steel City.

As for things like Squaw lake, as squaw is Indian misogyny for women as it means cunt, the Lame Cherry wants Big White Cock Lake as Whites are not going to object to that either.

Kansas needs to it Wheatland. Mississippi and the River must it the American River. We need to cleanse all of this Indian shit.

..........and as far as this goes, I demand that all them Quadroons be made to stop using English names as they are Nigger Africa. Calling a coon a White name is just not kosher.

Any way this is just a start, and the President can appoint me to a big wallet job where I will get to rename everything I am sure I can find a few dozen things to name Trump. I already am going to name New Mexico after Ivanka, as that is racist to name things after Mexicans.


Yes a state and cities as beautiful as me!

As this is the remedy these American hating scum have chosen, let us push this to name all things after the People who built this America and rid America of these primates who would still be frying tacos on rocks and eating dogs for supper.

Nuff Said
