Saturday, July 4, 2020

My country tis not of thee

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

“I don’t want a country in which the president of the United States is actively trying to promote anti-Asian sentiment and thinks it’s funny. I don’t want that. That still shocks and pisses me off,” Obama reportedly said.

Well as an American Protestant, I don't want a gerbil up the anal retentive ass image of Obama always whining about what other people are saying in jest, ignorance, hatred or because they just have a moment one day that they want to say something.

How about this, "I don't want a country in which a gerbil up his ass image of Obama, lurks around as an electronic assassin in his secret high paying donor online gatherings who promotes hate, while his former appointed advisers have been plotting coups against the government, have been impeaching the President and the very Obama put up the money, provided State Department cover, so the communist Chinese who have nuclear weapons pointed at America, can make a biological weapon at a lab which Obama created.

I don't want to have to listen to Obama all faggot whining about things that shock him like he is a cultured lady and then steps into the gutter and uses profanity like "pisses me off" to make a point.

So the Lame Cherry has a document called the Constitution which protects every American to say things like Nigger, Honky and Chinaman. On the other hand, Obama has not any legal backing of legitimacy for the things which makes his little heart go sullen, just because things do not go the snowflake way that Obama demands.

Obama has international Soros money, his own rioting terrorist communists, tearing down statues of dead Americans, burning down cities, spreading Coronavirus and being the Obama Intifada to overthrow the Constitution of America.

I don't like image Obama, because he is 3rd world trash, the same trash like Stalin that murdered millions and the same trash like Mao who slaughtered millions. image Obama hides behind others doing the criminal work as image Obama uses the laws of a nation to persecute Americans.

The Lame Cherry can and will speak out about the kind of despot Obama is, because the Constitution still exists to be quoted as Obama shreds it with his mob state. Obama and his ilk is an evil. An evil against the Black race who he allowed to slaughter themselves serving Obama's bankers for Wall Street in dope and welfare money being laundered.
The world every race now has is the world which Obama created in it's foul community organized enslavement of the world to serve the feudal few.

The image Obama disgusts me, as much as those paid terrorists unleashed to genocide Protestant America but to genocide thee America of one nation under God, indivisible with responsible liberty and justice for all.

Obama's America is divided where you either agree with him or you are a criminal. We were shown this in Obamacare, obey or you are fined and put into prison. Agree with Obama or he destroys you if you are Rod Blagojevich, Lawrence Sinclair, Jerome Corsi, John Edwards or Donald Trump by the police state.  Obama America is where you are criminalized for being American and Obama gets away with crimes as despot along with his other bourgeoisie Letterman cocktail crowd trash.

 The world has experienced what happens when Obama does not get what he wants. 500,000 dead in Syria. The mass slaughter of the Libyan government. America burned down. That is the lawlessness which Barack Hussein Obama is, along with the nuclear arming of terrorist Shia Iran.

Nuremberg is the place for the actions of a Barack Hussein Obama, not billionaire gatherings where this old Nigger dictates to the world how it should be, a world that has still survived after the global rape of this Marxist stooge.

America did not want Obama twice and yet Obama had flipped for him twice 10 million Republican votes by those who control electronic voting. Barack Obama never wanted America and still does not want an America with a Constitution and a Bill of Rights which protect people from despots like Obama in and out of office.

My Country tis not of Birther Hussein Obama.

Nuff Said
