Sunday, July 12, 2020

Shit in Space is Forever

It is my new Vulcan song,
Shit in space last forever, but on Vulcan it's a passing fart.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

I marvel at the always experts who make Nigger plantation statements like it will take 110 people in  a breeder pool to start life on Mars, to keep genetics viable in humans. The problem in all of this is, is the fact that the worst things that you think are on earth, are what is the foundation on life on Mars, and without it, nothing will live.

When colonists arrived in Australasia, they soon discovered that huge piles of livestock shit prevailed in Oz.


Because there were not any flies that ate shit, and would break it down in their grubs.

Guess what swallows eat? Mosquitoes.

Guess what makes soil work? Microbes, molds, mildews, mushroom fungi and all sorts of things like worms, which are not what people think of paradise, but without these things, and many others, soil will not be alive, and break down the elements which plants need to grow.

Starting a colony or life on another planet is going to require infecting that planet with every kind of virus from two legged humans to bacteria and yeast which breaks down things so they will rot. Yes death and all of it's stench is necessary in order for other things to live.

Humans are going to have to bring along with them all the nasty things of this planet in order to survive. If there was such a thing as life in the galaxy, it is probably why things are so interested in this cesspool planet as it is so toxic that it kills everything from the microbe up. Things on earth are destined to exterminate the galaxy if there is anything out there alive, as that is what earth is, it is programmed to bring forth life, and it does it by forcing everything to try to become alive again. Your carcass rotting down is this planet simply trying to make you alive again.

So for every human, there is going to have to be a can of dirt along, nurtured as much as the humans. Until Mars smells like fresh dirt when it is watered in a flower pot, Mars is not alive and it will not keep things alive.

I would dearly love to see Mars, not for that ugly planet, but for the dust devils which are there, which actually spark in static electricity which is not what takes on earth. Something is in the Martian soil which creates static electricity. Try growing a field of wheat and have that ignited when it is dry from a Martian twister. For that matter, what happens when you dump ice asteroids into the planet and in heating and cooling, you get some thunderstorms, and instead of lightning strikes, there are electric tornadoes which spark a million volts when they ground. Not exactly a good thing for methane or if you are in your hexagon hut and it explodes from the charge release.

That said, Mars would be an interesting test of what is. It would be better to test this all out on a Mars moon and see how it goes, because until the soil becomes alive, the soil is just more dead things in this galaxy.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

