Wednesday, July 29, 2020

TB Vaccine in Clinical Trials against Biological Weapon Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After featuring the information here, in reports out of Portugal that the tuberculosis vaccine was proving an immunity reality against Coronavirus Wuhan, the story has faded, save for the intrepid work of Yoshi Shimatsu in doggedly reporting on the reality that there are clinical trials of the TB vaccine in the Netherlands and Australia to ascertain if this is indeed the cure.

There is now substantiated proof that the TB vaccine is interdicting against this biological weapon, due to TB having been spliced into this entity from Wuhan release. As this blog has stated, Coronavirus Mirror is such a sophisticated thoroughbred, a high tech super weapon, that it is actually vulnerable on many facets of it's lethal plague. It is like a hydrogen bomb if allowed to go off, but if you can derail it's trajectory, fry one circuit or corrode one fixture, the entire weapon is just a pile of junk.
Take out a component of Coronavirus, from Chlroquine and Zinc or Ivomec with Doxycycline and this super weapon just dies like a plant pulled out by the roots. Allow it to incubate like cancer, and it's full lethality puts people in the morgue as it attacks the body so ruthlessly in so many ways.

Spanish, French, German and Dutch research groups have been preparing clinical trials using genetically-modified BCG vaccines. Meanwhile, BCG vaccine is in phase 3 trials in health-care workers in Australia and Netherlands. While hospitals conducting clinical trials have to tiptoe gingerly around the presence of TB antigens in COVID, I am under no such constraints.
Demographic confirmation of the TB-COVID linkage comes from a comparative study of 22 countries in their childhood inoculation policy on the anti-TB BCG (bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine) as compared with the local rate of COVID-19 infection. The researchers include Luis E. Escobar, Alvaro Molina-Cruz, and and Carolina Barillas-Mury with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) and the paper is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science on July 9, 2020 , posted at I The findings, which disclose a higher infection rate in richer countries, is obviously "uncomfortable" but acceptable and maybe even insufficient for NIAID director Anthony Fauci, a leading culprit in the synthesis of COVID-19.

The entity of the Coronavirus is composed of 4 main parts. The 1237 spike protein which makes it a super weapon. The frame it is built on in Coronavirus from a bat. The spliced in tuberculosis which ruptures tissues. The HIV which overloads the immune system, and, the notorious corkscrew bacterias which make this virus stealth and unleashes scorched earth, by hijacking other viruses and spreading like a spider web with tentacles.

Inject a TB vaccine into this virus, and the ability to incubate as a fungi, kills this virus like mold in the hot sun.

The BCG antibodies, however, can target the TB strand, immobilizing it or even dismembering its components, which initiates the process of crippling and then breaking down the COVID-19 structure. This power counterattack is something more targeted and effective than a mere "enhanced cellular immunity." The antibodies that target TB strongly suggest their potential role as the sought-after "silver bullet" to track down COVID and stop it cold. This therapy has been delayed by Fauci's fellow criminals at NIH and CDC, resulting in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths.

This live bacteria of TB is stated to be a talisman against leprosy, and other types of advanced bacterial infections as ulcers and cancers. Cancer being a virus which lives in the acidic soup of the bacteria it exists with.

There is a vaccine which does protect against Coronavirus, and it is the TB vaccine. It does not cost billions and it is not the injection with the need for a booster in 3 months.

As it turned out. the BCG inoculation was a holy medallion that proves effective against leprosy, some types of ulcers and cancer, and specifically protected me from a sinful coronavirus during the 2003 Hong Kong contagion and again during this global pandemic. It was just a medical procedure yet something deeply psychological, and uncannily bordering on a religious experience, in preparation for the valleys of death ahead of me then.

I desire you to be aware of these realities in the alternatives out there which deserve consideration and exploring. I still believe that Chloroquine with Zinc is the treatment as much as Ivomec, for those who have not had TB vaccinations.

Nuff Said
