As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
People are stupid. Seriously they are in the majority shit for brains between the ears, all Darwin scholars.
TL and I went to town in the brier patch and I have never witnessed so many coma zombie geezers in my life. Was like being on Medical Center. We needed to do a phone update, and that means WIFI at the library, in which I can't turn off the WIFI phone access which I don't want in the first place, but we are sitting there in the pick up and up drives a geez with his new white Ford and topper, extended cab.
So I am watching geez and TL can read on the door that it says masks are required, so I watch him, and it takes forever for him to wrestle around in the vehicle doing I have no idea what, but after a few minutes geez puts on the mask, and rolls out of the pick up.
So you know this, at our library is a sign, that you can just drop off movies or books you have checked out, but geez walks up, with the mask on, and hits the cripple pad on the building so the door will open.
About this point, I point out to TL, "Look at that dumb bastard. He has a mask on, but no gloves, and he just touched a button that every grimy person has had their hands on.
But it gets better.
So geez is standing there and the door will not come open. The librarians are not even coming to the door, so geez gets out his cell phone, with the mask on still, uses his hand he just had on the public shit hole button, rubs it on the phone and then to his face goes the shit hole hand.
He has the volume up, as the dead could here the conversation, and the librarian told him to just drop the things off, and with that, he gets back into his pick up, touches everything and takes the mask off with his shit hole hand.
I mean what in hell is the point in all of that! I was watching these geezes in the grocery, no gloves on, but they had their masks on, wandering around like the Zombie Apocalypse. These Darwins track all this shit into their vehicles, into their homes with their shit covered shoes, but they got their masks on like a talisman which will protect them from all harm.
It just amazes me in how these people did not get their heads caught in a recliner and decapitate themselves or the real tragedy in suffocating themselves with their own pillows, as they are just stupid.
I honest to God think, after the display of idiots I witnessed, that in order to catch Coronavirus, you have to lick Mexicans or Blacks, as these geezes are going to catch every germ in the world and probably incubate some new ones as I know those masks are going to be worn repeatedly until they do die.
I want to walk up and ask the dolts the hard questions of, how good is that mask when you are wiping your hands on your face, but it was like my neighbor has been convinced on watching television that Corona is airborne, which it is not.
I consider watching geezers from now on, and if they are going places, those places are safe. I am not as worried about the Mexicans here as they all smell like disinfectant in they bathe in dairy germacides. The coons I'm not so sure of as a pair of Quadroons were all over each other in the aisles in some sort of sexual foreplay or afterplay which never ended. I should have told those fat ugly people that neither one was anything to get excited about to be hanging onto the other, as no one was going to want that ever.
I believe the world could have been saved a great deal of problems if word would have been put out that if you wore tinfoil behind your ears that this would keep you safe from Coronavirus.
Nuff Said