Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Right Arm to Keep and Bear

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading a thread where someone was touting this toy as the necessary thing to have for the uprisings in this world.

I realize that every normal child has wanted a Gatling Gun, since they witnessed these inventions in action, but there are realities in warfare.

One does not fire from a position as it exposes your position. It is why grenades were chosen in close warfare.
Firing creates muzzle flash or smoke, again reveals your position.

A Gatling gun is mounted high, in the shooter stands firing. That exposes the shooter.

These are heavy implements, mounted on a pick up, the pick up exposes the shooter, in a position, it is a reality that the shooter is not going to be able to sprint away from hordes of barbarians at the gates carrying this.

Range is up to 1000 yards, but accuracy is not a given on this 45 70 round. It would work on crowds bunched together and large objects like horses at distance, but once again, it's magazine clip has finite rounds and mobs that charge a position will win out.

Finally, one little 223 on a scoped rifle at the same effective range of this Gatling weapon, in a position of cover, neutralizes a standing shooter easily. It is the placement of shot, not the quantity of shot.
Again, this will not  stop a vehicle charging a position. Checkmate.

A much more effective weapon would be a semi auto, legal, M 60 for effective fire. It is a point though that machine gun fire in war, is the most deadly position to take, in those positions come under heavy fire in revealing their position.

Sepp Wallerberger the Austrian Landser in World War II, proved that with a semi auto German rifle, with scope, he could kill myriads of Russians, engaging in return fire, with accurate placement of shots. The Gewehr 43 or any hunting rifle would outperform any fixed gun position. It is why Gatling guns were not standard issue and  other rifles were.

In any type of fight, whether it is chess or insurrection, position is the first order of battle. Gain position and position will turn a bow and arrow into a death machine. Gain position, primary and secondary exit strategy, fall back position and repeat. The British and French both learned that a good American Ranger overcomes even columns of soldiers.

Nuff Said
