Thursday, August 13, 2020

2 is the New BIllion

One, two, three hundred million, five billion.......yeah I can count

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a strange condemnation of all White People, The Office star, Leslie David Baker, posted two notes he received from one or two people, calling him a fat ass lazy nigger for trying to use the internet to raise money for a show called Uncle Stan.


For those of you who don’t believe racism is still alive in the world... here’s the proof.

There are 320 million listed people in America. Over 6 billion in the world. As I stated, 2 or the same person posting twice does not prove racism is alive in the world. For all the idiot NASCAR in Bubba Baker seeing nooses in garage door openers to ANTIFA faking they are normal people to promote racism in the Soros ANTIFA and Obama BLM fraud, we do not know if these are Soros trolls posting things.

If there had been hundreds of rants about niggers to this actor, then that would be an indicator, if they were all legitimate. Frankly I had two white assholes going off on me this past week, insulting me and being in their little girl group, and that does not prove that everyone is an asshole.

Out of 100 people, you are going to have a wide representation of jerks to good people.  Baker has 330,000 dollars in donations........hey I would love to have 300,000 dollars in donations for a hair brain project which is never going to come to fruition, simply because if Blacks who are rich are not going to give Uncle Stan their money, then the production companies are not going to either.

Hell you would think with Biden picking Kamala Harris that the darkie would be in the air for Uncle Stan, starring Alec Baldwin and Chevy Chase. But maybe the deal is, liberal execs have had enough of Obama Nigger and figure that they have done their part and Leslie David Baker should have saved his money and sucked the appropriate cock to get his show into production, instead of going online which is just a non starter.

So what do we glean from this? Leslie David Baker is trying to play the race card for funding. Doubt it will work, but any gimmick is worth a Willie Brown sex try. Baker has proven that there are a number of people who will give up their money for nothing for a pet Negro. He also proved to be low IQ as he lumped together billions of people in being racist, and we do not know if this is not some Black kids from Chicago painting the graffiti for attention.

Crying wolf in these times is rough, as there are so many scams that everyone thinks the person making the charge is some faker on the left.

I just do not know how anyone could have placed their name on that NBC program as it was just mean, vile and venomous, and now the pot is calling the kettle black.

Nuff Said
