As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In the coming advent of mega regional wars, inflating to global wars, the source for all of the mass murder which America will face, rests completely on the most incompetent presidents the United States has had, in George HW Bush and Barack Hussein Obama.
In the incompetent 4 years of George HW Bush, he withdrew neutron bombs from Korea and then withdrew nuclear weapons from aircraft carriers. Why the US Navy ever named a carrier after Bush41 is beyond reason.
For Barack Obama, his 2010 removal of tactical nuclear weapons from the fleet and allowing entire system to retire, opened an entire nuclear venue to Russia and China which they have been exploiting for a decade.
With Space Command though, the US Navy under Donald Trump is re asserting it's leadership role in global politics. The Air Force is taking a back seat, as it is the Navy which has chosen the Baltic and Taiwan Sea to confront both Russia and China.
In this world, Russia plays China in hopes the Americans and Chinese will fight a nuclear war, while China plays Russia, hoping that America and Russia will fight a nuclear war. The Eurasian nuclear allies are a devil's pact which both sleep with both eyes open, while wed in a bed which forces them to be allied to confront America.
President Donald Trump though has engaged in a Trump Doctrine which has evolved past the old Nixon Doctrine of playing the China Card against Russia. That old concept was destroyed by George HW Bush in promoting China from the paddy to the nuclear field. Money, not Mao became China's state religion, as much as diamonds and oil became Russia's ideology. No more did the communist systems rage against each other, so joined in money, Russia and China found common cause against the economic power of the United States.
What the President is engaged in, is realignment. The movement of American Soldiers from Germany, to Poland, closer to the Russian border, produces pressure on Russia. Flights into Russian Black Sea air space, pressures Russia, and now with the ending of the Bush and Obama non nuclear Navy, Donald Trump is placing the Reagan Pershing II, not on land, but on the sea, to launch salvos of dial a nukes into Russia in the advent of war. This pressure, is designed to force Russia into what she said she would not do, and that is pressure China into a triad Nuclear Treaty with Russia, America and Chins reducing nuclear arms.
Russia wants nuclear limits on America, as Russia has nothing to fear of China at this point, and it makes war between the US and China more a projection than a chance.
The U.S. is attempting to pressure Russia into getting China to sign a nuclear arms agreement between the U.S., Russia and China. Russia has said they will sign to extend the START treaty without conditions, but that they will not pressure another country.
The United States is progressing completion on the Air Force dial nuke, which will be the only effective mass destruction and causality weapon, in dealing with the hordes of China. The reality is that one air flight which would cause damage, in nuclear EMP skies, is still not the platform a US ship would be in one carrier, literally could wipe out the Chinese military and infrastructure by carrying below her decks the massive payloads only a ship can transport to a theater of operations.
U.S. security officials have said that the development of sea-launched nuclear missiles is necessary to combat Russia, which has been developing their tactical nuclear weapons.According to a July report by the State Department, Russia has continued to expand it’s “low-yield theater and tactical nuclear weapons,” while the U.S. retired it’s last sea-launched nuclear cruise missile (SLCM-N) in 2010, when the U.S. entered in the New START treaty with Russia that aimed to reduce nuclear arsneals.
This gamesmanship by President Donald Trump is historic. He has reset the strategy of the United States to the stance of John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. The key to this is though, is Donald Trump is respected where Kennedy was not. Both China and Russia understand they are dealing with a Nixon and a Reagan in the White House, and comprehend their vulnerability, in neither want war with America, but both desire the other to fight a war with the United States.
What is being postured in all of this, is not fighting a nuclear war, but fighting a conventional war with benefits. The benefits are nuclear enhancement of the battlefield.
There are not going to be any more Bush I and II trillion dollar wars, wasting American lives and money. What will be unleashed is American firepower to obliterate an enemy in theater in the most economic and fastest delivery. This will mean kinetic weapons and nuclear beach head weapons. The era of the limited nuclear warhead has arrived in the theaters of war.
The point is simply a reality, Bush II doctrine was to fight nuclear wars in the hinterlands of sands in Asia. Obama placed those wars back into the fertile lands and population centers. Donald Trump with the US Navy is bringing nuclear war to the coasts of Russia and China, where small units of quick strike Soldiers will become heavy cavalry with battlefield nuclear weapons.
With a smiling God, a Lt. Colonel commanding a brigade, backed by strategic Naval and Air Force, would be capable of defeating a million man army. They would not be able to hold ground, but a brigade could effectively neutralize Russian army West or the PLA southeast.
This once again, is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said