Monday, August 10, 2020
A HAARP Weather Bomb
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
After years of studying HAARP, HAARP still fascinates me.
Take for example the HAARP Bomb which detonated over us last night. This will have been in July for you reading this.
I watch the weather close as we are in a drought, and we needed rain, and all we get is dry rain. Rain which falls and evaporates before it hits the ground. So we got to town on errands and everyone was stirring about a huge storm which was coming that night. As I just checked the weather online, I wondered what this was about, but the reality is the local weather people were saying the day before that a massive storm was coming, As nothing was there..........of course it was HAARP.
It got in the mid 90's, was humid and high winds most of the day. Was in the 70's yet at 10 o'clock that night. When I checked radar, north of us this huge blog of something was beginning to churn and running into that strong south wind. This was a state sized ball of energy with a front line and this odd ball of blue behind it which was huge.
So I did chores, played with the kitties and came inside. I decided to lay down and rest and wait for TL to get ready for bed, as it was a hot draining day. About a half our into it, TL said to open the windows as the wind was blowing and it was cool.
Yeah it was cold air after stifling hot air all day, and blowing about 40 mph. It was heat lightning but not much else. Around 11 pm, a punch of wind came through in the first wave of this cyclone, because that is what this thing was ,a hurricane on land. Still thunder but zero rein, but Lord God was the wind blowing in 70 mph gusts and around 50 sustained.
Still no rain and I was upset as we were being baked, and then wave 3 came through, more of the same in huge gusts, which were blowing doors open on chicken brooders and slamming shut, and flapping the tarp on the chicken tractor.
So thsi carried on for some time, and then after the red line of storms passed with nothing in them, it hit with a WHAM in the rain and even more wind. By this time, I knew I had to check and sure enough our baby chickens in the brooder the door was open, so out I ran in my skivvies and a coat as huge drops of rain pelted me. I was not out for more than 15 seconds and I was soaked. Back in I went and the yard was a yellow color and it was steaming in all the humidity.
This carried on for some time, the rain only gave less than an inch, but this wind storm was going wild until I fell asleep.
Woke up and the sun was rising, the wind was calm, nothing was dead, the chicken tractor was nude, and my corn got flattened a bit, but this was HAARP in action in trying to provide some drought relief.
This was not Canadian air slamming us, as it is hot this morning again. This was HAARP pulling air from the stratosphere down and it created a cyclone on land, a horrific windstorm, a whole lot of energy released for a little bit of rain.
It is to keep the regime from having to shell out disaster payments to millionaire farmers, but all the same, this was just an experience to make it through again by God's Grace and prayer.
The nest result, the next morning not a thing showed on the national map. This thing just disappeared, save for a squall line 1200 miles away as this kind of detonation in the atmosphere creates an energy wave to study in cause and effect.
Net result, no tornadoes, no baseball sized hail, and no lightning. Nothing sent to the Gulf in wind storms, so I thank God for the rain. HAARP though in hours can create a hurricane on land.
Nuff Said.