As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I'm learning, but the reality is I'm proving myself right.
See last year in taking care of wicked uncle, his door blew off his house a million times, as he was too shiftless to replace the door latch. His son left the screen open and that blew it off, and from there it was a situation where I was doing allot of fixing and he was doing allot of bitching.
So we replaced the latch and things were going good I thought, as we went back into fixing mode, and then the latch broke. Broke is not the right word, but it is the fact that the Chicoms make shitty products, as the bar attached to the plunger and handle, is made of plastic, instead of metal as it was when Americans made them.

I don't know if the genius the wicked one had in his house destroyed the latch or it just gave out, but we fixed it again, and sure as hell as soon as the genius returned, the latch stopped working.
The solution was to just brace the door shut as I returned the shitty one, and was not buying another.
Well time went on, and the Holy Ghost started moving me to get a latch I had rejected last year, and was still sitting on the shelf when I checked before, and next thing I knew I was dropping 20 bucks for it.
I'm not a trained carpenter. All of my experience is existential, or Bob to Tommy from This Old House when it was not a fag show and looking at things on Youtube in other dumb asses who don't know shit from shinola.
I should add that the Holy Ghost Inspires me, and this was Inspiration time, as I was in the 'Piss on it" mode and ready to do some damage to that door as I had enough of wicked people and Chinamen.
So I get it home, our future tense home, and see it does not fit the old holes. That means drilling new bolt holes, which I did, and drilling out the plunger hole. I think it took me about an hour to do more than nigger rigging it. It involved counter sinking holes, figuring out that the door lock is really only hand locked, and you unlock it with the key.
Any way, it got done and looked almost professional. Thing is it worked.

God was working something else out too, as the wicked one's family was having a problem with too many keys had been given out to other folks, who are not trustworthy, and not wanting to challenge the old man or want to upset people in getting the keys back.
I had no idea this had a lock when I purchased it, but when I informed the family of it, they were quite pleased in they were now in control of the only key on the place to get into the house.
So I like this, as it suits me, as it is a giant FU to those lurking around, thinking they can shit in the toilet and have others pay for it. I relish the day when they discover that the door is locked, and will never be opened again, as the door is closed, and this time I'm in control of the key until the family takes possession of it.
Talk about cutting the old nutsack off at the pubic bone.
So you see doing what is right, doing good deeds, not knowing what you are really doing, but God knows it all, things work out, in one pleasant and expanding way.
Some hands are taught of war, some of latches.
Sometimes you never know what you got until you open the package. Never pays to trust, only pays scoundrels and honest people the same, as who knows what is in a man's heart, but God, but on earth, it costs to learn what is beyond the latch.
Nuff Said