Friday, August 28, 2020

It is not Coronavirus Extermination but Extension

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The reality is, that part of the manufacture of this serum is in two parts. Moderna uses dead baby kidney cells and Pfizer is using insect army worm DNA. The reason this is important is, these are synthetic DNA patterns.
Patterns like this are equal to the success in putting animal DNA into Monsanto crops like corn. What is possible in this, as Ann Coulter says Coronavirus came out of a bat's ass, so you got a bat virus, in insect DNA is introduced in this serum, meaning when this serum changes he base DNA, that the possibility is there that a human would be able to catch insect diseases or you would be susceptible to the things that kill insects like Monsanto corn, which has corn ear worm DNA.

You are not being told of this and Dr. Madej, focuses on other aspects of this, some of which this blog warned of first in this serum and the tourists are now arriving.

I informed you here months ago, that 5G is linked to this as the narrow cast medium. The serum is designed to create an extension in your DNA, to which something which is coming next, and it is that which will produce a caste heirarchy of immortals, of different ranks, when the 5G unites the species, as Baby and the Apes join to humans in the network, and instead of  God in Heaven "One Spiritual Body" which Christians are of free choice, will be a united thought, to drive an anti God platform.
 Your purpose is to amplify the source, your thought will not matter.

The Doctor is speaking of extermination. This is not about extermination, but extension of your united charge to amplify the central source.

Probably too much for your wee minds, but this is what this poor orphan girl has been telling you of in the false tree of immortality which this has all been about. You do have a use, not a purpose, of dark light projection.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
