Lynn Anderson - I Promised You A White Rose Garden ...
Music video by Lynn Anderson performing (I Promised You A White Rose Garden (Audio). Originally released 1970. ... Music video by Lynn Anderson performing
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Kurt Eichenwald has somehow suffered an epileptic seizure over roses, brought on by First Lady Melania Trump, getting rid of the weedy stench of Obama past as apparently the Obama's were sowing in faggot colors to the White House White Rose Garden, and growing weedy trees killing all of thee White American beauty in destroying the vision of First Lady Jackie Kennedy, who planted the Rose Garden as a monument to her living husband, as she apparently was hoping the lecherous bastard would die.
Kurt Eichenwald of the CIA Mockingbird program must have had his 6 figure salary become a working day, in the payment was to go on a racist misogynist hate filled rant about immigrant and naturalized Citizen, Melania Trump, over Melania weeding the weed patch which Michelle Robinson Obama let grow up to weeds.
I see nothing wrong with the the renovation of Melania Trump. Here is the renovation.
I suppose this is the President gaining revenge through the CIA, as Eichenwald was pillow whispering to that poor hapless Evelyn Farkas who destroyed herself over Pissgate. Here is a photo of Evelyn.
Your tiller is welcome in my peach patch....
This is a photo of Kurt Eichenwald, closing his eyes so he does not have a seizure.

Oh no, I feel a rose seizure coming on.......
While it is enjoyable watching President Trump being avenged in making all of these trolls lick the dog dung of history as the epitaph of their careers, this Eichenwald stuff is beneath human dignity of the political arts. This is dog shit politics of the lowest IQ Robert Lansdale order. The insult is not to the public. The insult is DIA intended upon the Pissgate conspirators.
It must be harsh in being the master race of Jewry, worshiping yourself, and Shin Bet Kushner is rubbing your nose in the turd pile of a whore's price, the 30 pieces of silver, and you have to take it, you have to take it all, because you were paid for it all, you sold your soul for it all, and now your career fades with Jake Tapper castigating you as canis offal, the Latin name for the career of the liberal enterprise.
I liked the White House better when Calvin Coolidge had sheep eating the grass and shitting all over the place. The only thing Melania fell short on, is she is not greedy. She should have had Barron chop up the trees into little tooth pick and sold them for like real money, for Barron's start in life. I know I would have loved a rich person to have bought a Barron tooth pick, splintered from a tree that probably some traitor like Harry S. Truman or a whore like Jackie Kennedy had planted. Could frame it on the wall, and call it White House Wood.
Any way, this is all I am going to address on this, as it has been addressed enough in Trump 2021 Inauguration Week. Looks like four days of some good appearances which should make John Cusack go nuts again on Twitter and maybe he will Biden out in blow a vessel in his Cusack brain.
Frankly I was hoping the GOP would have done something like when Trump owned the New Jersey Generals or Miss America.....something absolutely tawdry and less clothed disgusting, but that is what happens when you take fur out of the attire of women.
It is all so boring this ..........manipulation of the 85 IQ group to herd even more people to vote for Donald Trump and the neo Republikans who will vote for the Nazi state in 2021 AD and hopefully a war before that, as war is interesting. I like war. Wonderful sounds, like a lightning storm, should be with piles of dead bodies in a Darwin world.
Any way, again, I will not be watching the festivities. Kristi Noem in slaughter plant South Dakota will be there, cheering herself in trusting her people to not get the plague from her Goddamn stable of foreign vermin, but what else do you expect her to say, as everything is coming up roses, as I honestly am contemplating cancelling my registration to vote, which will take me off jury duty rosters and I was checking out of politics before Trump appeared, as I am not going to enable this farce, and if some benevolent rich people would find their money transfers to donate here, I would be more than pleased to take naps and ponder taking naps. It would be a wonderful thing for rich liberals to donate huge sums, as Biden is going to lose, so they might as well donate to me in a few million, shut me up, and then they can go along listening to their politicians telling them they are not going to hell because Congress said being a sinner is legal.
I got to go....have things to do. No black roses in the rose garden. No fag roses at least not planted.
Garden away Melania Trump as you give Kurt Eichenwald the fits to help get your husband re elected.
Nuff Said