As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I tend to trust the information coming out of Veteran's Today in Gordon Duff as Donald Trump's people approached this democrat for guidance before Mr. Trump ran for President.
Duff was spot on in ISIS did not exist, but were Kurds employed by Obama to steal oil from Syria and Iran, in order to launder money into the deep state coffers of John McCain and John Brennan, and assist the American political establishment.
The events which took place in Beirut though had me looking sideways at nuclear events there in the massive detonation, even when Dick Allgire viewed this event and noticed traces of radioactivity, it seemed a bit too 9 11, and then images surfaced and banned, began confirming what the President originally confirmed that it was a bomb in Beirut which set off the detonations there.
Investigators Find Labyrinth of Underground Rooms
at Epicenter of Beirut Explosions, Report Claims
Hezbollah Headquarters...The Likely Israeli Target
These tunnels are accessed at least by the port entrances. This means materials can be smuggled off of vessels, directly to this Hezbollah compound without observation. That concludes that nuclear warheads and material could be brought in by any maritime means, directly to this network of tunnels without interference.
An infrared capture, actually shows at least a second missile striking the explosive materials at the Beirut docks. We now know from the Lebanese that under this crater was a complex network of Hezbollah tunnels. This was the Hezbollah Doomsday Bunker, and what took place there was a pre strike, before Iran and Hezbollah could engage in what they had initiated.

For the Jews to cover this up in denials, indicates they were involved in this, as much as the President was informed this was a bomb, by American tracking. Something was taking place on that site which appears beyond a nitrate bomb of immense proportions, For the Jews to go nuclear in this strike, indicates there may very well have been an Iranian Isalmocommunist first strike nuclear bomb or bombs at this facility and the next stop was to be Tel Aviv to decapitate the Jews.
This Lame Cherry keeps stressing that the world with the Chinese biological weapon, has moved beyond sanctions and is involved in a global biological war. These nuclear traces, and the appearance of a Hezbollah network in Lebanon, attacked with this kind of force, killing mass numbers of people, projects there was something here which would mass murder hundreds of thousands, whether it is in Jew York City in America or Tel Aviv, that is where this targeting would be directed, as America and the Jewish state are the focus.
Iran has been hit by a series of coordinated attacks. Attacks which have driven Iran into the arms of a 400 billion dollar Chicom aid package. Iran has graduated more quickly than the Lame Cherry art projected to a nuclear response, as Uncle Gordy indicates this was a Jewish nuclear hit, and the United States was informed of that took place.
It is a macabre reality that on the August anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that the world dropped tactical nukes again to stop a war from happening. 75 years to the day, and what war was ended, another global war is erupting, as Iran is not going to stop in being thwarted. They have enough Obama assets in the West to coordinate and position nuclear devices in strategic American and if decided European venues.
Four years ago, this blog published on this reality, and was visited and interviewed by the government for issuing that warning in trying to stop all of this. The world by what happened in Beirut is much closer to events of state sponsored terrorism, because state initiated decapitation of nuclear and biological terrorism has already taken place several times in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.
This Beirut attack was weighed out in Tel Aviv, as closely for cover as the Kennedy assassination. Everyone knows what happened, and everyone is keeping their mouths shut on both sides. The clock does not have many more strikes before Armageddon.
This once again is the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives.
Nuff Said