As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Photos say a great deal in how people present themselves. I was naive and still am. I remember the first time someone sent me a crotch shot, and I wondered why that would be, but of course they were trolling. Vocabulary is a way of trolling too. You can always tell a great deal about people in what they will accept, because if they accept verbiage that is where they are going.
Jerry Falwell and his wife Becki, posted the above photo. They are trolling. It is a sex photo advertising for sex. I'm and old guy, here is my wife, she is agreeable, so come take a tour of her.
Jerry Falwell has an explanation for some things. Things like huge loans to young men, trainers and pool boys, worth millions, even to faggots, and one of the boys is now talking after the money was not rich enough.
There is always he said, she said, but it appears that Jerry Falwell likes to share. Some men get off on tarting up their women. Some get off on taking them out, letting boners rise and then taking the hose bag home, as this is the Viagra.
Women liberated to such market value are thrilled, but in the end, it all just ends in distance and divorce.
"Becki and I developed an intimate relationship and Jerry enjoyed watching from the corner of the room," Granda, who is now 29, said. He said that the relationship resulted in liasions "multiple times per year," mostly taking place at hotels in Miami and New York as well as the Falwells' Virginia home. Eventually the relationship soured, but Granda provided screenshots of text messages that seemingly confirm the existence of their affair.
"Right now I am just missing you like crazy .... Have you had this effect on all of your lady friends?" one of Tilley's texts to Granda in 2012 reads. Another audio recording from 2018 reportedly has Tilley complain that Granda revealed his relationships with other people. "He’s like telling me every time he hooks up with people. Like I don’t have feelings or something," she can be heard saying, only for Falwell to add, "You're going to make her jealous."
The sodomite publications are trolling these stories, as it delights them to out Jerry Falwell as a potential fag. Odd how democrats like Julia Dreyfus as the DNC mock Mike Pence with fag insults as the worst of insults and fags thinking it is the worst degradation of outing someone like Jerry Falwell as a queer is what is the best way to destroy him.

In the end, it is just easier for an old guy to hire it done, enjoy the live porn to deal with the wife and a most ridiculous and adulterous relationship of thee abnormal.
Benjamin Crosswhite & Wife
If this story sounds familiar, it’s because Falwell has faced scrutiny for his relationship with a young poolboy in Miami, Giancarlo Granda. Falwell gave Granda $1.8 million to help buy an LGBTQ-friendly Miami Beach hotel, even though Falwell himself and Liberty University aren’t LGBTQ-friendly. Granda also got to ride in Liberty’s private jet.
Liberty University now wants it's namesake gone and is leaking to the most abhorrent publications like the Washington Post. These are not leaks, but paid CIA and FBI informants which are trolled throughout the entire infrastructure of the world, to report back the goings on.
Falwell pissed off a number of the deep state, and considering that his old man, was part of the deep state funding of William Casey and Ronald Reagan, back in the day, when most of the money coming in was laundered by the Moon family of South Korea, in kickbacks from the South Korean CIA, for America defending the nation.
They will pick Falwell off just like the Clinton folks picked off Tom Daschel for supporting Barack Hussein Obama, simply because it can be done.
Degenerates do fascinate me. .How lonely, cut off and unconnected they are and sex is all that numbs the reality. Most have passwords like "action" in being clever and their lives crumble to nothing. Rich people, poor people, are all the same. Yes it is easier in being rich, but the poor have the same opportunity. The rich get flesh, the poor have sticky keyboards.
Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. has been caught helping push through another business deal that benefited a young, athletic man.
This time, it’s his personal trainer who benefited and the university that gained little to nothing out of the deal.
In 2011, Falwell and his wife started training with Benjamin Crosswhite, a Liberty graduate who was 23 at the time. Things were going great – Falwell claimed to have lost 75 pounds from working with Crosswhite.
Later that year, Falwell sent an email that has been uncovered by Reuters where he urged Liberty officials to cut a “sweet deal” for Crosswhite
If someone tried to pedal porn me, they would be shown the door. If someone tried to cheat on me, that would end it. Some people need accomplices to not be alone in their warped worlds of trying to get along. It is a bizarre thing to have a university, millions of dollars, be on the arm of presidents and still cock and cunt sweat is what you will trade it all for.
The move is to take over Liberty University as a cash cow, to abort it, as most religion has, from the Lutheran Social Services being a slave racket for foreigners, Catholic Charities pedaling little children flesh, Missouri Synod employing Jesuit clergy while putting Obama on the cover of their magazine, and there are now more abominable fags in the pulpit than in most city parks screaming out in beat down sex.
Liberty will one day be teaching homosexuality is acceptable. That is what is behind this, and it all began with just sliding that zipper down and taking a picture. This came from the inside and deep state knew it and was waiting.
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Nuff Said