Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Burning Virgin of Obama Intifada

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this on July 13th, Churches have been burned and vandalized in America, as part of this Obama Intifada, which by design should become more targeted in this political season of 2020.
Wayne Allen Root of California, was speaking of Civil War in America, and this promotion has been pushed by Jewry for decades as a move like V for Vendetta, featured and America in Civil War.

Those who are behind this Obama Intifada are making this Webster Griffin Tarpley move, so that the United States will be ruled by radical leftists who are National Socialists or Marxists. It is by design and reason. It is a revelation that American Identity features are being trashed and no one cares in the upper 20% of income as it is not a media issue.

In the second American Civil War, the first being the 1776 Revolution which pitted Monarchists against Americans, it was stated that brother was against brother. This is being lost on people who speak of Boogaloo in the FBI operatives fomenting this in the Obama Intifada, because in a real Civil War, if the President would unleash this, Americans would discover what kinder and gentler warfare really is.

ANTIFA is now doxing people, leftist District Attorneys are prosecuting homeowners for having guns to protect their homes from ANTIFA and BLM, and the target of the Bernie Brigades is to out people on the right, round them up or kill them. This reality is spoken of so it is the agenda at large.

Take for a moment though the time to internalize this and to weigh it out. Say, for example, that in the next waves, that ANTIFA appears in your neighborhood and beats you up, and burns down your car. In this imaginary scenario, law enforcement has been withdrawn, so that retaliations from the right are taking place on the left.
For the sake of this being Hollywood drama, your neighbor who you get along with, is a Nigger, a real one whose kids are in BLM and they were in on burning your car. You though being moral, stop the right wing from burning your neighbor's house down and save the day.
The next weekend though, BLM stops by the neighbors and shoots your dog, your family and your favorite picture of Mount Rushmore. What do you do?

What do you do, when you discover, it was your lefto sister who posted you were a Trump supporter on Twitter, and gave your address, which started this mess?

Are you understanding the point in a Civil War with friends, neighbors and family, being against each other, how this  starts becoming real.

What if, instead of the BATFE firearms forms with gun owner names on them, that it is Boogaloose Deuce who gets a hold of the list of all the democratic voters in your city and the way to end all of this, is to hunt down all the democrats drive them out of your community or hang them, as you are still being moral about all of this? What do you do?

What if those who are driven out, do not like it, and they get a tanker truck of chlorine and chemical weapon your city, with you in it, and your group happens to have the National Guard Armory artillery you have confiscated and you know where the liberals are encamped. What do you do?

Yes those staged war crimes in Bosnia and blaming the Serbs take on a different vantage point when heinous creatures on the other side start obliterating your life. Just like Lincoln's War in the 1860's, the brutality will come easy as things escalate.

Could you though put bullets into your own family members who got your family murdered and raped? Could you stand by as the tough people in your group, shot your liberal friends and family members, as there are always those who can slit a throat for liberty as easy as stepping on an ant.

Just how far would you go? Just how cut and dried would all of these genocidal crimes against you and your community have to be for you to condone a response? Would you have to see it with your own eyes like Chris Stevens the queer of Benghazi getting ass raped to death, or would dead bodies be enough? Would you obliterate liberals over a burned Virgin Mary statue, a Cathedral, a raped child, at brain stomped in puppy, your kids beat up, your house burned down, just what would it take for your to respond?

You ave weighing this, as you already have weighed it and those in the Obama Intifada have known what you would do, as many things have happened, as you have chosen to protect your liberty, your nice life, even with this all going on, instead of acting out.

The Lame Cherry is not advocating in the least that anyone act out, but is making a forensic psychological revelation to each of you, in things have happened, and there has been mostly silence, with a few people in threads saying what they would do. That though is all fiction.

It is a hard question which needs answering. Protestant Reformer Martin Luther, after being sentenced to death, wrote that the rebel should be killed like a rabid dog. The founder or Protestantism against popery advocated war, and called upon the Princes to slaughter the rebels, which they did to the reality of 5000 peasants and in capturing 1000 more, cut off their heads.

Yes somewhere in Martin Luther's contemplation he came to the decision of how far he would go to protect himself, his family and his Lutheran Germany.

Each of you is going to have to think this out, as it is a plus minus issue. You have to think this out, as Wayne Allen Root is blaring out phrases of  Civil War and the Obama Intifada is being paid to intimidate you with violence with ANTFIA by George Soros, to bring you to submission or that place where you have to make decisions, and not have Mr. Root blaring statements which are driving this along too.

You are already in a latter phase of a lifetime of psychological warfare. You no longer have the bleater ignorance to fall back on of not contemplating the situation, the manipulation and the reasoning, to have the excuse of this is not you, and you are somehow going to stand by the sidelines as Holy Angels protect you in the fiery furnace.

This once again, is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
